4 years of hard work

@silsophi If that’s the case I would change more movements to machines or cables where that slight breakdown in form is 1. Less likely to occur because you’re more locked into a position/movement path, and 2. Less of a big deal if it does occur, because they’re designed so you won’t fuck yourself up if your form breaks down.

It also could be that you just need more time in the oven. Building muscle as an intermediate natural whose genetics are in the meaty part of the bell curve is a very slow process.
@silsophi I suggest considering the original posters comments but also going to failure on every set for a week. You might be surprised by how many reps you have left in the tank. I sure was and benefited, profoundly.

Be warned though that the following micro cycle you will need an adhoc rest day or two
@elenamaria_9 For chest I really enjoy bench press and that's a movement I'm comfortable pushing as hard as I can, but if I'm without a spotter I will usually stop on the movement where it's clear that the next rep MIGHT not go up. If I feel I have anything left, then I'll follow it with machines and then really have nothing left
@silsophi No spotter, bench in a squat rack for safety bars. I like following bench with high/mid/low flies to failure.... 10/10/10, 30sec rest, repeat..... squeeze those elbows together...
@dwarmstrong I do occasionally train with a professional bodybuilder. I do a PT session once a week for advice/pointers from one of them, the other is just someone I talk to between sets.

They helped me improve for sure - but neither are lifetime natties
@silsophi You've got some size for sure but I see where you're coming from. Hard to tell from one pic but I think you got a bit of a spider mode physique with small arms and big trunk which makes it especially bad with a shirt on. What's your routine like? I'd say put more focus on arms, shoulder and the v taper in general if you want to look good in clothes. Also wearing clothes with the right fit is also key: something more fitted that hugs your chest/arms. But yes at the end of the day it's hard for naturals to look very big in clothes unless you lean into the bear mode. Just know that we all have body dysphoria to some degree and you def look bigger in the eyes of an average person compared to your own.
@silsophi I'm never comfortable with that high of BF. I like to maintain my "bulk" at 12-14% BF Nd cut to 9% in the summer. It leaves me with enough reserves that I have the energy to finish all my workouts and I still feel good about the way I look. I personally don't see the point in going to 20%. I did it once and felt like crap. I'm close to your stats, just older and been lifting longer. Lifetime natty (posted a pic if you look at my posts). 5'10" 196# 12% ... it takes time and most people aren't as dialed in as they think.

I wouldn't necessarily reccomend it for others, but I've essentially been on. Micro-bulk cut that I'm pretty happy with. Slight calorie deficit M-F and on the weekends I eat whatever I want. Weekly calories even out. I weigh in daily and check BF with calipers once or twice a week to stay on track. Works for me.