5 Months Progress Calisthenics


New member
Starting stats: 25 Male 5ft 7 62kg

After 5months(Today): 25 male 6ft 67kg

Diet: All I really focus on is getting 150g of protein a day. However, I've been eating reasonably clean. Main things being Chicken, Mince, Sausages, Broccoli, Mashed Potatoes, Pasta and French Toast. I also only drink water, beer or protein shakes. My main downfall is how much beer I drink, cheesecake I eat and smoking at the weekends.

Workout: I stuck to this probably 75% of the time. Probably took 3 3-5 day breaks when I was feeling sore or had a wee injury. Sometimes I would leave exercises out or switch things around.

Why I did this: I have always been incredibly weak (When I first started benching I was doing 27.5kg x 8). I was extremely good at running and very fit due to the army. I saw no point in going to the gym as it would only make me heavier and I also believed due to ignorance that I was "One of those people that can't put on muscle". When I left and got an office job I didn't do anything physical and I really missed it. I decided to get into MMA and I didn't want to compete at flyweight (56kg). I wanted to compete at bantamweight (61.3kg) because who wants their weight compared to a fly... So for the last 3years, I have been working out roughly 4x a week for roughly 7months of the year to try and put on some mass.

I was on a slump when the lockdown happened and hadn't worked out in roughly 5months. I decided to use my bands and 16kg kettlebell for 3weeks but it got boring real fast. Then I discovered this subreddit and seen people mentioning rings. As soon as I got the rings I was hooked and I will be using rings for the upper body I'm sure for the rest of my life. They are amazing.

Before: 3 Years ago. Just before I left the infantry. I was around 56kg here.

Strongest I got using weights: This was me when I was benching 60kgx10 / Deadlifting 90kgx6 / Squatting 80kg x6 / Shoulder Press 50kg x4 62kg 11% BF (Roughly)

1 Week Before I started: I know they ain't the best before pictures but it's basically 5months of me not working out from the above photo due to injury 62kg 13% BF (Roughly)

Today: This is after a workout and with the best lighting I could find... 67kg 9.7% BF (Roughly)


Bar/Ring Muscle-up with 9 tricep dips RTO: Sorry about the quality

Attempted Back leaver/Skin the cat/Weird adv front leaver:I never trained any variation of back leaver. I've done better adv tuck front leavers before.

Hand Stand: I can't seem to stay still. With paralets my best is about 5seconds. I have the strength for a frog stand push into handstand just not the skill to hold it.

Elevated Pike Press: Advice on the form or a better way to do these is very welcome. I superset these with Face pulls or Planche Lean press-ups

Weighted Pull-ups(16kg): Started doing 3x6 nonweighted. Lats have exploded since adding these.

Weighted Dips (16kg): Started 3x4 (Ring dips are hard). Forms shakey but was going for max reps in a set.

5k: 22:30 - When I next compete I want this bellow 20mins.
@roytheone Nah tho, seriously, thats an insane growth suprt for someone aged 25. Just a typo, or is the joke about the 6ft part? Or did you really unlock the secrets of manly growth?
Tell us your secrets man. We gotta know.
@dawn16 I strongly doubt he grew 5 inches in 5 months at 25. He might have had surgery, the only plausible way to gain height like that (as in one correcting for scoliosis, not a literal height-adding surgery).
@youarehappy He would have been as crooked as a fish hook if he gained 5 inches from scoliosis surgery. You can clearly see that he wasn't.

Also, if he was 6ft with that weight, he would look like a stick.

It was an obvious joke, not sure how some of you guys didn't get that...
@youarehappy Or the simplest explanation=ppl don't know how to measure their heights, and most doctors that measure ur height don't really care if they're doing it properly, since it isn't an importsnt examination (especially if you're 25 lol) and it's just a routine standard protocol that they have to go through multiple times a day.
Speaking from my personal experience.
@roytheone Hi SoHardTo, congratulations. I was doing ring dips with similar form for months, but just recently watched this video linked in the RR which corrected my form but made me start over from a much lower weight. I'd recommend you watch it too--take care of your shoulders!