6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

@cece_lee16 First of all, welcome and congratulations with your first 6 months of awesome progress. Secondly, if you’re looking for suggestions, here’s a few:
  • Buy rings. Best purchase in my life. It’s so much fun to train with rings and there is an unlimited list of possible exercises that are very cool and very challenging. Buy some decent ones, not cheap Chinese ones, like I did. Mine are already starting to wear a bit after a year.
  • Start seriously training for the muscle-up or ring-muscle-up. Not because they’re so important, but because they are extremely fun and a good challenge. Both are much easier than they appear at first. The RMU is mostly strength-based, while the MU is more of an explosive/technique driven exercise. With your weight (I’m big and heavy) they should be fairly easy to achieve.
  • Try skin-the-cat on rings, it’s one of the most amazing exercises for your shoulders that combines front and back lever movements in the largest range of motion possible.
  • Think about adding sprints to your training schedule. Super fun, super good for full body gains.
  • If you’re serious about getting stronger, I’d advise you to start going to a gym once a week and add the barbell back squat and barbell deadlift to your list of exercises. They honestly cannot fully be replaced by BW exercises. Other fantastic exercises are the overhead press (great full body exercise!), bench press, power clean, maybe even front squat. Anyway, weights are a great addition to BWF.
Do with this suggestions whatever you want. Maybe pick a few, maybe do all of them, maybe ignore me. Anyway, good luck! Hope to see a new post in a couple months.
@cece_lee16 Deadlifts are just great to get fucking strong in general. The feeling of lifting a bar of 150 kg and then standing there chest up and proud just makes you feel like an absolute hulk. The gyms just reopened here and I went for the second time today. Really missed lifting weights. I will still continue callisthenics though, just combining both.

But yes, the deadlift does partly use the same muscles as the front lever, to keep the bar close to you. But besides that it’s completely different and works your posterior chain like nothing else does.

Also, lifting weights works your central nervous system very differently in my experience. Switching from BWF to lifting or the other way around is like a slap in the face because you’re absolutely not used to that type of work. Very nice to combine them.
@cece_lee16 Dude wtf. I can do muscle up, front lever, one arm pushup, weight pullups etc. but I don't look as jacked as you lol. You have good physique. I think I just have bad genetics :(
@dawn16 I relate. I can crank out 40 smooth diamond push-ups with my feet on a bench, 20+ pull-ups in a row, do 4x15 dragonflags, do 100x20 standing OHP with dumbbells, don't look jacked. I look averagely fit.

Cutting didn't help much either. Just looked like a smaller version of myself. Cannot get a smidgen of ab definition.
@cece_lee16 hey thanks for posting this- i am trying to figure out a routine for my life in general but the last week or so have been randomly doing body weight stuff daily with no real structure, but i figure it's a step in the right direction and better than nothing. i also don't have a life so figure i might as well try to get in shape to distract myself.
@dawn16 Exactly where I was bro .. gave up xbox and wanted to do something more beneficial !! ..

Started with small amounts to trick my brain into exercising without the aches and pains .. about 3 weeks in and I was itching to get home and f** myself up haha .. it's amazing the habits you can force upon yourself .. Keep going and you will be happier and healthier I can almost guarantee :)
@cece_lee16 this is probably TMI but i spent the last year and half spiraling downward, to the point where i was self harming once again badly and attempted suicide, yay mental illness. when you have the mentality that things are going to end soon there wasn't much drive to do much but the path of least resistance which obviously doesn't help to get out of this pit of despair. ive been trying to get help the last 6 months or so which is it's own challenge and have made peace i'm gonna be here longer than the 30+ years i've already put in so in a weird perhaps unhealthy way i'm really working towards slowly transitioning actions rooted in self hate like cutting myself which works to (temporarily) pull me away from my dark thoughts to say doing pull ups. both of those things can physically distract myself from my brain, but in 6 months pull ups will have made me stronger where cutting will just add to the copious scars i already have. anyway, sorry, i guess i'm just saying kinda like how your dietary restrictions force you to eat really healthy, i am trying to find a way to leverage my mental restrictions into better habits. like i said, thanks for posting cause as i can't really trust myself too much at this point it helps to enforce that just doing ANYTHING to get started is better than nothing.

ps im still gonna play videogames! lol i actually have been trying to play either online fps games with long queue times (overwatch) so i can stretch or do quick bursts of bodyweight stuff in between games, or single player games where i can pause, get up to do something else and come back when i want.
@cece_lee16 Dude, congratulations. I am sure a lot of people inspired you here before, now you are one of those and you are an inspiration to me!

If it makes you feel better: it is better to have that progress without before picture, than to have a before picture without the progress... like I do.