6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

@aggeliki96 lmao .. I am tiny bro ! .. still only weigh 10st 2 lbs !,

I used healthy eating and hard physical activity !,

I cant use steroids I am probably allergic like I am with most foods :)
@cece_lee16 Don't get me wrong, you look fantastic, that's why I ask. But there is no way you went from skinny and untrained to this in just 6 months at 31 years old. Zero body fat gained, only muscle. Either you have the genetics of a Mr. Olympia contender or you used some help.
@aggeliki96 You're joking right? I know the reddit default is to scream juicy anytime someone is ripped, but this guy is not one to trigger that. He's very lean, but he doesn't have that much muscle and no before photo to compare it to. Great genetics probably, but steroids? Nah
@dawn16 Oh yeah? Show me another natural 30 year old who went through such a transformation in six months from skinny (skinny fat lol!). Plus this guy has no before picture, so its even more suspicious. He could have at least showed a picture in a shirt or whatever. From this picture and lightning, its obvious he has muscle, don't know what your standards are for "not that much muscle"....
@aggeliki96 That's literally what I was saying about the before photo. He could have been very close to this before and we wouldn't even know it. Also with gear you tend to have pretty common tells, noticably the delts which have a huge amount of androgen receptors compared to other muscle so they tend to grow larger while on gear compared to other areas. He doesn't have the delts you typically see with someone juicing, so I'm not buying that he's on steroids.

If he had a picture of him looking like Christian Bale in the machinist 6 months before (sounds like this is what you're picturing) then sure.
@brownfield I know the feeling :) .. Just jump on the bar when ever your arms allow ! do as many sets an evening as you can ! even if its 4 when you get home 6 reps an hour later .. 3 reps before tea, 5 reps an hour after tea .. 4 reps before bed ! .. grease the groove style .. by the end of the month you'll be doing sets of 10 I reckon :)
@cece_lee16 How were your calluses? How do you look after your hands? Trim the calluses with scissors or some other way of looking after them?

Thanks- and good job by the way
@sozo1517 Bear grip gloves ..

I use bare hands up until my hands are going to split, then I switch to gloves for a few days until the hands recover ..

That is what I do anyway :)
@cece_lee16 Hell yeah man, love the progress! I could barely do a pull up months ago and practicing dead hangs helped tremendously in being able to do multiple sets of pull ups throughout the day!

I gotta aim for your 15 second L sits, that's impressive! Awesome physique; keep it up man! :)