6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

@cece_lee16 Damn your serratus is serrated. I know most mainstream people are already contented with abs but fish gill obliques and serrated serratus are underrated, good job gettin them.
@cece_lee16 Hey, what was your diet? I'm skinny-fat myself (more skinny than fat, actually, just a little belly fat) and I want to change my figure just like you did. But I got mess in my head. Should I eat something around 300 calories deficit? Have you been on cut, bulk or maybe you just didn't give a sh*t about your diet?

Anyway, great figure! Keep it up, champ!
@dawn16 Not counting calories sadly ..

Very basic diet,

Breakfast - Nuts (as many as you want) (roasted salted mixed unsalted)

Lunch - Chicken / salmon or prawns with nuts and eggs (3 eggs)

Tea - Vegetables as many as you want and chicken (sometimes eggs)

Snacks - nuts (as many as you want) (apples and bananas)

I only have 2 meals a week that differ from this,

Friday morning (breakfast 3 sausage 3 bacon 2 egg 2 black pudding)

Sat morning (breakfast 3 sausage 3 bacon 2 egg 2 black pudding)

This is it dude .. no rice / bread /pasta / red meat (apart from bacon on fri and sat) or dairy,

Almond milk,

This is my eating from monday through to sunday :)
@4thglryofgod Basically,

Pull ups / Chin ups / L sits / handstand work / Front Lever work ..

Started planche stuff last week !

But basically yes Just the bar and the parallettes .. its all I use and all I have :)

also push ups dips and squats
@cece_lee16 That's excellent - well done.

As a purely aesthetic suggestion (am a woman, being nit-picky and also a bit of a perve) you may want to consider adding some dips - either weighted on parallel bars or just straight ring dips (depends on how experienced you are on the rings as they're much harder). And maybe start on back lever - that will strengthen your tendons as well as work chest and abs.

Otherwise all sounds good. Don't forget to stretch as well - after workouts and ideally in its own 30 minute plus session twice a week. You may be young and springy now but I can tell you from experience that your hard training life will be much extended by making sure you tie in mobility alongside strength.
@cece_lee16 Great job bro. I just have question. I'm also interested in full body weight training and bodyweight exercises but I have no routine. I just do random youtube videos for 30 min 3 days a week along with walking, and I use a app for ab workout 1 or 2 time a week. And I'm not even sure what to for working out. I have 1 resistance band and dunbell. I'm just a little confused on what I should do for exercise routine I have no idea.

Also, I heard that doing normal pushups, situps, planks or resistance training will help to maintain/build muscle during a deficit but you need to do progressive overload; is this true? I dont even know how I can do this when I dont have any higher resistance band or higher weight dunbell. I'm just so confused for what to do for my workouts and feel that theres no point of even doing any normal ab workout.

Great job on your goal bro and sorry for speaking about myself rather ur achievement