6 years after discovering /r/bwf

@godsu I currently have a labrum year so this is really inspiring to see! I’ve been afraid to go to exercise, let alone go to the gym, in fear that I’ll make it worse. I am planning on going through surgery for it before the end of the year though. In the meantime, do you have any advice, or suggestions for shoulder exercises, that might be able to help me safely get back into the exercise life?
@tangko I can give you the exercises I do (learned in PT). BUT I also recommend going in to a PT, as well.

Give me a little time here and I'll make a video to run through the exercises
@godsu Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!

And yes, I agree with going to a PT myself so that I can properly recover. Luckily enough, I work in a rehabilitation hospital so I’m looking into the best course of action with the staff here. Hopefully, in the near future, I’ll have as much progress as you because damn, that’s some excellent progress you’ve had!
@godsu Awesome work! I would love to hear about your climbing progress as well and how you incorporate BWF into your climbing regiment. Anything that helped you up the grade in which you climb?
@godsu What do you enjoy so much about rock climbing? A new rock climbing gym is opening near me soon and I'd like to try it out. I'm pretty much the fat version of your before pic 😂
@silentwife I didn't put a whole lot of work into it even before the injury/surgery, and I just started bringing them back into the training cycle with no problems so far. To be honest, both my front lever and my human flag are undeniably stronger on even my first attempts since the surgery than they were before. I attribute that to the shoulder exercises I've been doing since physical therapy.

Based on where I feel the "tweaks" I'm much more concerned about human flags than anything else. Probably won't actually start training them with any regularity for a while longer
@godsu a) What are those shoulder exercises? Lower trapezius / cuff strengthening?

b) You do them as prehab, as actually accessory strengthener?

c) You are a mad lad. I'm actually what you started at (24) right now, plan to hopefully be where you are in 2,4,6 years.

d) But i've always had the reverse problem. 5'11, 190 lb, and probably 18% bf. Yet I only lose weight if I eat chicken and salad. I can't seem to figure out how to get to a lower body fat without having an unsustainable diet. But i'll head over to r/loseit and figure it out.
@lovelife34 1 month in a sling, then 7 months in PT. At the end of those 8 months, I started to climb again (soft routes). After 1.5 years, my shoulder feels about 90%.
@godsu First off, great gains bro.

Question: how do you balance your pulling and pushing over the years? I've done BWF for a year and ended up with a rotator cuff injury that lasted 7 months. The problem with me was the horizontal pulling, I just did barbell rows, and everytime I wanted to progress with levers I would get shooting pain in my shoulder. Do you rest more often? I stopped bwf and just started powerlifting now.
@godsu How much does it cost to go to your climbing gym to be able to climb 3 times a week, I want to be able to do that but my gym costs £6.50 session and I can't get their alone - no transport.
@dawn16 Day passes are always expensive. Climbing gym memberships on the other hand give you unlimited access. I could go all day every day if I wanted. My current gym is around $70/mo
@godsu The membership at my gym changes the price of bouldering from £9 (without membership) to £6.50 (with membership), If I were to climb for the same amount of time as you each month it would cost £78 ($99).

Im still quite young and i was wondering what diet you use for cutting?

Cheers for taking time out of your day to respond, your post was hugely inspirational as I have stopped caring about my body for the last few weeks, and stopped climbing.

(Posted in wrong place previously, sorry haha)
@dawn16 I've never, ever done a 'cut'. I just eat the same all the time, which is just enough calories to get a little bit stronger without ever really putting on more weight.
@godsu Just read your diet advice and holy fuck how do you not have awful skin? I mean that diet is good for gaining weight but if I eat like that I'm covered in pimples. Your skin on the other hand seems absolutely flawless. What gives?