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I did crossfit from Jan 2014 to Nov 2016. I’m almost 35 years old and have been back at it for nearly a month. I’ve already lost 15lbs from keto/WODs but the cardio is getting me the most. I feel stronger than ever before but my cardio sucks and I want to puke after. Does anyone around my age share this experience or know how to improve?
@lep 9 year CrossFit athlete here (36M) I would suggest that you back off the intensity in conditioning pieces for a bit but not too far back. I'd recommend taking the approach of starting slower than you want to and pushing harder in the end based on how you're feeling after the first portion of the WOD. Keto will effect your shorter efforts as well. You may need to start eating more carbs if you don't want your blood sugar to crash during METCONs.

When you're doing something shorter than 20 minutes your body uses ATP first then intramuscular carbohydrate stores for energy. Fat takes longer to metabolize during activity so you won't usually start utilizing it until you've sustained an effort for quite a bit of time. That's why during a lot of endurance efforts you'll feel strong at first, maybe the first 3-6 minutes, then you'll have to power through a section where you feel sluggish but after you do that for a bit you'll get that second wind. That comes from your body switching over to fat as fuel. (I know you didn't ask for this info but I can't help it)
@lep Honestly fruit would be my suggestion. Everyone generally stomachs fruit well without any GI distress. Personally I stay away from whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal because they cause me some bloating and gas.
@lep Hey 👋similar age as you, recommend 1g of protein for your desired weight goal (eg, if you want to be 200lbs, eat 200g of protein daily). Don’t skip on carbs, that will fuel your workout. Be OK with some level of fat, too. My macros currently: 207g protein, 196g carbs, 69g fat.

I felt like garbage the first couple of weeks, especially with cardio, but stay consistent and don’t cherry pick WODs—just show up, fuel right, and get plenty of sleep. You got this!
@lep I can’t help but think some carbs might help but each to their own on that. Pace yourself better would be my answer here, you’ll build fitness soon
@lep Just keep going! A month isn't enough time to build a big engine back. The nausea will improve with time. It can also take longer than that to become fat adapted.
@lep Im 34 and I have found interval training to work really well, especially for metcon conditioning, other then obviously just doing more metcons.

Idk if you have access to machines (bikes, rowers, etc) but burpees are also a great non-equipment tool as well.

1:00 on/1:00 off x 10 @ ~90% effort or similiarly structured formats

The key (at least for me) was to understand that to get the desired cardio improvements you will need to routinely be uncomfortable in the paces you set and beginning the next interval when you really dont want to.

adding in zone 2 training during the week has been a gamechanger for me as well

Im not a coach so Im sure there is better advice out there but I have gone through something like this so I hope it helps.
@lep You can gain and lose cardio endurance very quickly, you'll probably be better in a few weeks if you keep going. Or like others have said keto is potentially crushing your ability to do it. Some people can adapt to it and thrive, others not so much.
@lep You definitely want to be smart about the carbs you’re consuming and match the amount to your activity level. If you over consume carbs they just spill over and store as fat so start with 20-30g about an hour before your workout (1 average sized piece of fruit) and see how you feel. You can always eat a little more if needed. Then have one more portion later in the day unless you enjoy keto in which case your day to day energy source can be fat. TBH unless you’re eating high fat low protein and zero carb you’re not in ketosis anyways so it really doesn’t matter.
@jtm7770 1/2 cup of brown rice to start in the morning and an orange in the afternoon has increased my power and stamina immensely. I might to keto again but maybe like two weeks to trim up. It’s had me feeling horrible for a month straight
@lep If you ever feel bloating or gas from the brown rice switch to white. I did that about 6 years ago after only eating brown rice for the longest time “because it’s healthier” and it made quite a difference