already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

@marieb3 Oh maybe find a new box? That seems.. aggressive.

We do a hero WOD but our coaches gently remind us how privileged we are to be there and to have the opportunity to be working out. They’re not wrong and a lot of us tend to piss* and moan and need the reminder from time to time.

Edited for spelling.
@marieb3 You are at the wrong gym. Those coaches are downright toxic.

We do the hero WOD and scaling is allowed and so are breaks. It’s a day of remembrance and honoring those who died. We are not pretending we are in the towers.

Ditch this place and find another gym.
@marieb3 Well, that’s kind of the point of hero/tribute wods.. shedding a little sweat in honor of those that we have tragically and/or heroically lost. I get it if being reminded of that is not really your thing, but to have a problem with it is strange..
@ds3618 People have different motivations and values. Some might see it as a form of proselytism that is unwelcome when they're simply trying to work out.

I, personally, don't mind the idea of Tribute WODs, but if someone is shoving it down my throat at every moment, or trying to force me to feel something, I'll resent the hell out of it.

It's one thing to participate in a WOD that's named after someone or is superficially in someone's honor, but don't presume to tell me what I should be thinking about when I'm actually doing it.
@ds3618 its kinda cringy. it would sort of fall into the category if McDonalds were selling 9/11 value meals, for $9.11 tomorrow only or something
@marieb3 N E V E R F O R G E T...












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I'm sorry, I got carried away.
It wasn’t too long ago that CrossFit encouraged pushing one’s limits. Nothing wrong with a coach, on a hero wod day, giving some encouragement and reminding you of the why, in order to push your limits