Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

@darksoul999 I'm doing UL once a week using an HIT approach for a few weeks now. So far, I'm progressing nicely but it's still early to draw conclusions. Why not simply try it, it doesn't cost much? Make sure to log your progress so you can measure the program's effectiveness instead of having to guess.
@darksoul999 I would agree with another comment I saw that most peope would better off training 3 days than 6, but making sure to really up their intensity and quality of each set. Ben Howard one of the best natural BBers in the world has done a 3 day PPL for years. Also theres a plethora of options between 3 and 6, you dont have to make such a harsh jump. For years I did a 2 on/1 off rotating PPL which iirc averages 4.75 sessions/wk. There's a ton of different rotating schedules between 3 and 6. Or you could literally just train the same 4 or 5 days each week and cycle through the sessions (if you want a specific day off each week). Or you dont even have to abide by a sched at all and just train the next session in line when you want to.
@darksoul999 I train PPL 3 days a week. i get much better results, bigger stronger, and less joint pain than 6 day PPL. LUL can be good as weel but I prefer that as LULU. 6 days is not sustainable for very long. either is 5 days. no more than 4 days of training for long term growth without joint\CNS issues. and the 4th day better be an easy day like a full body workout. Full body is trash unless you're a beginner or just want to maintain what you have. If your not getting results on a 3 day PPL program than your not training hard enough on your working sets and you have to know how to program it properly.

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