@darksoul999 I think PPL is fine if you prefer it and program it properly, the volume and excersises shouldnt really change. I think thats when people get in trouble, they throw to much stuff in each day, instead of just spreading your weekly volume across 6 days.
You should be able to go from a 4 day upper lower and just spread the workload across 6 days and its the exact same program just spread out.
Or if you are on a U/L PPL, you cut the upper in half etc and spread it out.
I agree that 6 days is hard to sustain long term, but depending on life sometimes all you got time for is shorter sessions then ppl is useful, like wise sometimes you only got 4 days but you know you can spend longer in the gym, again depending on your current situation.
3 days PPL wouldnt be my first pick but if it works, good. Personally I dont think its the best choice, but everything works lets be honest.