Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

@darksoul999 What about less sets per session but more sessions per week? That’s what I do and it seems to work well. I train 6-7 days a week but do only 4-5 exercises as i do a lot of cardio and don’t want to toast myself for a given day.
Not sure why downvoted

don’t care. Until somebody proves me wrong and cites the newest study showing I’m fucking up 40% of my gains by doing that I’ll continue doing so. Having 6-7 lighter days and being consistent > having 3-4 soul crusher days where I can injure myself.
@darksoul999 As a 37 yo who trained since i was.. A kid? But steadily 1-4x a week for almost 20 years Id say time and consostency beats everything (and all the details doesnt have to be perfect. Ive never looked this good and I contribute it to doing SOMETHING every week for 2 decades)

👀 Sorry Just wanted to share..
@evergreenhope Yep. Time, effort and consistency is what matters. These are also the things people don’t prioritise and fail to do. It’s not exciting to make these the focus.

I don’t know anyone who manages to train 6 days a week consistently for many years. They all drop off when life happens.
@darksoul999 Its an amazing split. So many people burn out or suffer joint issues on 6 day PPL. Ive found 3 days to be the sweet spot for long term sustainability. Ben howard trains like this.
@darksoul999 I don't really understand why you would do that.

The whole logic behind PPL or PLP is that you can train "pulling" when your "pushing" muscles are still sore from the previous day, etc. If you're training 3 days per week that's not an issue. You can train much more efficiently with full body 3x per week.
@pinetowntree I've always found full body hard to recover from. One very hard full body session to failure takes me nearly a week to recover (altho I train martial arts which probably do slow recovery) whereas a session on a ppl split takes maybe a day or two to recover from max for me, which makes it much handier to train.

Plus full body I'm sorry but u can't push each muscle group as hard. Usually by the last two exercises you're significantly dropped off
@myalhussaini Muscles differ in recovery rate though, right?

Full body doesn't mean you train every single muscle. You mix and match, could be legs once a week, biceps thrice, etc. And, you don't need to take every set to failure.