Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

@user94 Thanks. I got all the way to one ab mat with 10lbs plates off to the side to raise my hands and place my hands higher. Just never clicked when I got to the floor. Maybe some day!
@jonathan_gale TTB. My nemesis for 5 years (although that includes lockdown and the gyms shutting on and off plus then I got pregnant and had a c section so not 5 years in total!).
I KNOW I was strong enough, I understand the logistics of the movement so why the minute I get on the rig i flail around like a dead fish I just don’t know. So frustrating. I’m determined to get them down before I have another baby!
@jonathan_gale For me it’s pullovers. They are so frustrating. Started Crossfit in May 2019, figured out dubs in about a month and a half, got bar muscle ups a month later and could do ring muscle ups by that December. I can even do double under crossovers, but I’ve been trying to do pull overs since the day they showed up in the games, at least twice a week, and can’t for the LIFE of me figure them out. Same boat, I’ve watched videos, had coaches critique me with no success. I’m absolutely terrified they’ll be in quarterfinals and I’ll get to swing around for however long and then put a shit score in.
@jonathan_gale Yeah, tried that. It’s the only way I can (sometimes) get my feet over the bar and hips into the bar. Weirdest part is I’m stuck there. Can NOT get my head and shoulders up over the bar to finish the movement. I’ve even had people grab my feet and pull and I STILL can’t get around. So weird and frustrating.
@jonathan_gale I tried a muscle up for a full year and I couldn’t get it done, I was investing around 10 minutes a day training for a muscle up, until I was so frustrated that I decided I wasn’t going to be able to get it done, so I stopped thinking about it, I stopped "training”
One morning maybe a month after I stopped trying to get it done I showed up to the box to do my workout and as I was hanging from the bar trying to stretch I started swinging and out of nowhere I did a muscle up, I couldn’t believe it because it felt so effortless.
Since that day I have been able to do muscle ups, and what works for me is just hanging on the bar and stop thinking about the technique or what movement needs to happen before or after.
@jonathan_gale This is the beauty of CrossFit; you’ll always be struggling with something. Even the top athletes in the world have something they’re trying to get better at. Don’t stop to look up once in awhile and look at how far you’ve come! Sometimes the improvements can be so subtle you’re not noticing.
@jonathan_gale Fucking Cardio. I've been training 3 times a week for 5 years and my cardio is still shitty as hell. If there are some burpees in a "for time", I'm pretty sure I won't finish it.
@jonathan_gale Jist imagine you're a new born baby and you have no choice but to learn that skill from your parents to communicate with them unless you're gonna starve and die

This method helped me learn several languages at once
@jonathan_gale After practicing many other cues and drills, I finally pushed thru on the BMU by focusing on really tightening my core. You want to reach that bar feeling strong and determined to move like a coiled steel spring.
@jonathan_gale How many strict pull ups can you do? How many strict chest to bar pull ups can you do? How fast can you do a strict chest to bar? How many bar dips can you do? What’s your 1RM strict pull up? What’s your 1RM strict bar dip? How often do you train max effort kip swings? How often do you practice jumping bar muscle ups?

You can out- strength almost every skill with enough time and consistency.
@girlintheclouds I can do 8 strict PUs, 4-5 strict CTB. The first strict rep is pretty fast! I tend to lose steam after the 3rd or 4th rep. Last time I tested bar dips I did 10. Ring dips much lower, 3-4. My 1RM pull-up is 25#, but I think I could do heavier now with all the strength programming I’m doing. Almost never test the kipping movements! Probably should, but my hands are already hating me right now.

I used to do a lot of box BMUs, but lately my coach has me doing banded “strict” ones, where the band is stretched horizontally across the rig below your feet. The box ones don’t feel anything like the real movement to me, at least not the reps I can do with a spotter.

I used to feel pretty good about my gymnastics ability. I can do big sets of TTB and butterfly pull-ups. In the past year I learned how to do legless rope climbs and handstand walks. My HSPUs are ok, but I can’t do strict yet.

FWIW I’m a middle-aged lady and weigh 110 lbs. Is it possible to be too old to get stronger or learn new tricks? The BMU feels like a mystery to me.