Anyone running Dan Johns 8-week ABC Bodybuilding Program?


New member
Bought Dan John’s ABC bodybuilding book.

I’m currently running the 8 week program. Seen some good results even only 2 weeks in. For context I’ve been training my whole life 2-3 times a week so I come from a somewhat solid foundation.

I’m running this cycle with 28kg total with mix weight bells. Plan is to complete this and do something else for a few weeks, then hit another 8 weeks with a higher weight.

Slightly bricking to about hitting the 30 rounds of ABC in the final week.

Anyone else diving into this?
@justagirl72 Yup, just started this week. I'm using this as my first program back now that I'm cleared for exercise after nearly dying in a road traffic accident last year. Double 16s for the first go-around. Don't think I'll add much, just chins on the press day (or rather working up to being able to do chins again with lots of negatives and regressions) and swings after ABCs. I'll start on couch to 5k in a week or two once the surgeons are happy for me to run again (they said early/mid June depending on how I feel). That should be more than enough for me at the moment.
@justagirl72 I’m in my second week and just started doubles. The first week I was traveling with just a single bell. Definitely got sore in my legs after switching to doubles.

I’m doing 20kg bells. I’m choosing 20kg because I can do 10 reps on the press with those, and the goal of 30 rounds of ABC seems too much for me with anything heavier.
@justagirl72 I'm running it, but am probably going to ramp up more slowly than the guideline. For reference, many programs are too steep of a climb for me though.
@justagirl72 I bought the book a couple of weeks sto but just got back from vacay so I’ll be doing a small round of Easy strength and swings to get going before starting the program.
Question, are you doing the ABC with doubles or single kb?
@adius I’m doing it with doubles. I don’t have an even set of kbs so I’m doing 28kg with 16 in one hand and 12 in the other.

My plan is to do a few cycles of this for the next year until I can hit 40kg (20 in one + 20 in other) total.
@justagirl72 Sounds interesting in terms of „bodybuilding“ as in also from the same background and I do enjoy kettlebells BUT do still want to take care of the „aesthetics“

Is it bells only or is there specific isolation work involved ?
@professor He offers a barbell version in the book. No isolation tho.

You’ll get plenty of aesthetics with the program. Maybe no mirror muscles but it hits everything with cleans, front squat and presses.

I mix in a little bit of extra work now and again with row variations, swings and farmers walks. Nothing too crazy tho as the volume is already pretty huge.

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