Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

@dlr Didn't know anything about Austin Dunham, so I checked him out a while back the video I watched was "HOW did I get so big suddenly?"

his answer is he started lifting weights lol
@dawn16 And then he used those gains to deceive people like OP. Im glad OP did this post because this spread some awereness on him and the shitty programs that are basically 99% the fitness industry. I would only buy a program from guys that really excell and have achieve something great in calisthenics like Saibov or Max true. The only thing that austin has achieved is a good physique made with traditional body building.
@sacnite To be fair, if you watched his earlier videos he looked fantastic even before he started lifting. I'm sure most people here would love to have his pre lifting physique
@soldado33 For me he exploded when he got in to bodybuilding, not before. Thats when all the people started saying he was using roids but in reality its just his genetics.
Pretty sure he juiced. He got big, like really big in one year. Either the guy is a genetic freak overnight, or he had some late growth happening
@dawn16 If you have to make a video "how did I get so big suddenly" you are definitely on dat dere celltech. This guy is a textbook fake natty influencer trying to make same ez money. His whole channel is a bro science treasure.
@dlr I saw Austin Dunham's YouTube channel a few years ago and initially I liked some of his bodyweight videos but after a while it got redundant and it was the same exercises being regurgitated. He's more of a salesman than a genuine bodyweight enthusiast. If you're interested in a genuinely good bodyweight routine try watching Iron Wolf (a US Marine) who does insane amounts of burpees, pushups etc. His videos are straight to the point and he practices what he preaches. No long intros, no bullshit! Most of you who love bodyweight exercises will love Iron Wolf's YouTube channel💪💪
Iron Wolf's YouTube channel

Holy shit, I'd never heard of him and because of your recommendation I just watched his Forearm and Wrist Stretching/Maintenance for Burpees and Calisthenics video and it's incredible. Thanks.
@dlr I posted this in the sub at the end of 2019 for anyone interested in alternatives -
If you’re gonna pay for something, there’s definitely much better options out there. And yes there is some good free stuff too, but those who produce it still save their full programs for paid subscribers.

Prime examples of that is FitnessFAQs and Tom Merrick (Bodyweight Warrior). I’m loving their YouTube stuff at the moment and hope to add their full programs to my review post at some point when I get a chance!
@acire2014 When I get a real job I'm definitely buying merch from (or donating to) FitnessFAQs and Tom Merrick just to give back in a small way. Their YouTube content has helped me a lot.
@dlr Austin is a pretender who clearly takes steroids while playing dumb and denying it. He also pumps out cringey, amateur videos and low-quality emails in attempt to sucker more money out of people without providing actual value. I liked him for the calisthenics work, but the disingenuous behavior pushed me away.
@born2shine Is he really on roids? Like genuine question. I feel like it’s easy to say he is but is that legit. I’ve seen loads of weighted calisthenic people just as big as him but he has very unique genetics
@chrispra58 I would say he probably was at some point. It's hard to say for sure if he is now. He's pretty good at using certain angles on video or on Instagram to make himself look bigger or more shredded than he actually is.

I always thought the biggest evidence for gear was how small he used to be in his videos from like three years ago. He just became a massive unit in a very short amount of time, and called it an "accidental bulk".

Oh whoops, I just got massively shredded on accident, how did that happen?