Body Before and After 2 years of working out without proper knowledge

@sydneyelise Well done, hopefully your progress will speed up after working out a suitable diet

For your pull ups i found that when i started doing three things pull ups got easier and I could do more -
I started working on pyramid sets for pull ups, starting off with 80% of total reps, then doing another set but with one less rep, and repeat until you reach 1 rep set. And you can reverse it too.

Or you can do 80% of your rep max. Rest for a few minutes,then again. Youll find you can put out quite a few sets like this so its a good way to build endurance rather than maxing out on the first set

Third thing is when I started doing heavier lat pull downs and heavier seated cable rows. They seemed to build more strength in my back in a sifferent way but I think it really helped to contribute.

I hope this all helps - keep it up!
@sydneyelise I like how you approached it, incorporating it into your life until it's your lifestyle. That's how you maintain long term goals. I also like how you separated the workout/diet aspects so you could get an idea for how impactful each really is.

I wish I had paid more attention to my diet when I was younger.. i was an elite gymnast who worked out 6 days a week, so I didn't even think about diet... I can't help but think it could've made a huge difference in strength and maybe even avoiding injury.

Please do post pics a year from now!
@justmeandme Thanks for liking my approach! I learned a lot while approaching a goal like this and will definitely do similar approach for my other life goals.

Damn.. yea not knowing the important things early on sucks :( I hope your injuries are all healed now.

For sure!
@sydneyelise My favorite part of your sharing is the timeline is truly legitimate. It’s hard work and consistency over years that brings the best results. Congrats on the new lifestyle and keep sharing so others will join in for the long haul. About two years for your transformation and that’s awesome and factual vs the 8 week transformations that are unobtainable for those of us with lives outside the gym and eating.
@sydneyelise Thanks for sharing this. I think now that you've got things nailed you'll progress much faster than before.

Will be looking forward to your 6 month progression post.
