C.A.P. and the Open

Coaches and athletes using CAP, how has it been leading into each open workout this year?

Where you prepared?

Has it left people sore and tired going into the workout?
@catholic_with_a_mic Each week, CAP has not used the same movements as were in the Open WOD that week. Personally I used CAP to figure out what wasn't in the Open.

Soreness and fatigue depend on your intensity and fitness. Any WOD can make you hurt if you go full send.
@catholic_with_a_mic CAP has been fantastic. All of our members have gotten exponential improvements over their open scores last year and skills have improved heaps.

The programming leading into the open was also really good in my opinion to what we saw released with the 3 workouts.

I did the layer up personally with the compete cap program, which involves the normal wod and 1-2 of the extras. been my best open result yet
@elana I'm considering using CAP instead of mainsite solely for the access to the materials for the week ahead for my coaches instead of the night or two before. We followed CAP when it was mainsite programming early on of course and I know they are very similar still.

For lesson planning purposes, I have followed a month or two behind mainsite, but then we play catch up towards the Open. I'm hesitant to stop what we are doing because our steam on strength and conditioning has been rolling high all year.
@catholic_with_a_mic No, cap has been terrible. I have been doing my own strength training on the side and occasionally extra workouts each week to keep my fitness level. It does a good job as a beginner guide but your regular people does not help. Example is you will get a week or two of pistols then won’t touch them for two months or more. It does not go through any kind of cycles and it’s more like .com where it’s just random movements. Once a month you get a 7x2 strength then won’t touch that strength movement again for half a year. Just pure randomness.