Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

@olboodog Get on a plane and make a 'joke' about having a bomb on board. I am pretty sure they won't turn a blind eye to it.

Same here, sport declares it bans people caught taking PEDs, guy claims, AND, has been promoting the company he has purchased from, enters the comp, similar scenario. He has to be banned.
@augustcomposure You’re in the gym with your buddy maxing out.

Neither of you slept well last night.

You get folded like a lawn chair by 85%.

You laugh and exclaim to your buddy “I can definitely feel the tren kicking in”

He chuckles and steps up to the bar for his attempt.

He also gets folded like a lawn chair. “Mine must be too!” He exclaims.

Obviously you’ve been recording attempts, and upload the exchange to social media so all your friends can share in the experience and also have a laugh.

Someone sends it to HQ.

Can you both be banned?
@olboodog Strawman fallacy.

Bomb on plane declaration/joke, with marshalls on board etc, leads to immediate arrest.

Joking with a buddy in a gym, videoed and reported is very different to declaring you are using substances AND posting it in public forums AND posting how much better you are on them.

Disqualifying of Hiller and your example are false equivalencies, declaring, very obviously not joking, on SM =/= obvious joke with friend in gym uploaded for shits and gigs.
@augustcomposure Your initial comparison to a bomb threat is a straw man fallacy.

Ignoring a potential threat that can cost an airplane full of people worth of lives and getting Hiller properly tested are not equivalent.

If he’s announced it to the world, it should be a slam dunk case for doping control.
@olboodog We see that differently.

It is known by the person making the claim that there are repercussions for publicly announcing what they have done (jokingly or not).

An obvious joke, uploaded with absolutely no other reason to suspect the people in it are serious is so very different.
@augustcomposure Maybe we don't see it so differently, going back to the bomb joke, the airline/airport wouldn't just say "you're not allowed on the plane" and kick the person out. Security would be deployed, an investigation would be put underway, if there is an actual bomb it would be taken in as evidence and further investigations would be held. Finding the actual bomb after the threat is testing Hiller. Is it redundant? Possibly. But we wouldn't just leave a bomb laying around. It's part of the due process.

edit: maybe a better parallel would be that trope I disliked in police shows "you can't charge someone with murder without a body"

What if Hiller goes back on his word, says unban me, it was all a joke bro, they have no evidence to disprove his new claim/walkback, have his sample positive with metabolites clearly showing it was in his system