Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

@mdstehling I just mean that its clear that he is happy to have been banned (based on his comments). When I posted this originally, I didn't have the context that you mention above, so I was confused why they banned somebody that seemingly wanted to be banned.
@skelendke It’s just funny and ironic that HQ claims to be committed to drug free competition when you have podium placing athletes like Andreia Penheiro walking around like an anatomy chart in her 40s
@leggomymeggo I mean sure, but she obviously hasn't failed a test (if she's had one) and hasn't been open about being on Peds. Not much they can really do until one of those things happens.
@skelendke It’s because Castro decided to make a show out of it and announce it on his Instagram page. HQ usually only publishes the names of elite athletes who actually failed drug tests, not “self-admitted” athletes. What he should have done was tell Hiller privately, and if Hiller wanted to discuss it publicly that would be at his discretion. Instead, Castro
completely fell for the bait and did exactly what Hiller wanted him to do.

Castro might be an idiot in many things, but with his experience in the Navy Seals and with elite strength athletes, he knows how prominent drug use is among athletes and soldiers at that level. He is grabbing at the lowest hanging fruit that’s possible in an attempt to “prove” how committed HQ is to drug free competition, when the reality is anything but.
@leggomymeggo Hiller has also made a point to tell people to not sign up and now seems to be telling ppl to sign up as a stunt.
CrossFit owes it to its audience(s) to curb this type of behavior imo.