Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

@smithbell81 Honestly I zoned out this attention seeking whore and his exhausting, repetitive, ADHD content ages ago. He seems to be struggling to maintain some form of platform/profile so I guess this sort of thing is to be expected?

If he had a good point to make it has been lost in the noise and fury of inexplicable soundbites from movies. I guess if you like that sort of thing you like that sort of thing. I don't.
@smithbell81 Who cares? Chances are he wasn't going to semi's, and definitely not the Games.

And admitting to using should get you banned. Period.

If you use, you shouldn't participate in an event that prohibits it.
If you admit to using and you don't, you should still get banned, clean test or not. You're an idiot for admitting it.

This entire thing is just dumb.
@sahadul123 That’s the frustrating thing to me in the PED conversation….everyone immediately thinks steroids. Sure, some of the real meatheads are getting jacked on hormones but the real performance gains are in blood doping. Cycling has figured out how to artificially saturate blood with oxygen for decades. You’re not going to detect that in a urine test and to the best of my knowledge CF isn’t even looking at blood.
@smithbell81 Okay, so for anyone willing to have an actual discussion.

Banning without a positive test is ridiculous. There is no proof (Hiller could be saying he’s using for clout). While CrossFit is free to do whatever they want since they are simply a company holding a competition and beholden to no one, this also lacks due process. Anyone can now theoretically be banned for joking about steroid use (verbal admission), or even fraudulently accused of verbal admission.

Whether it’s CFHQ, WADA, or anyone else, I think if someone is taunting the system you still have to produce their positive test.

Also Dave simply says Hiller is banned. Is it indefinitely? Or 4 years like most other first time offenders?

To me this is another lack of transparency issue.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think the athletes association should be stepping up here (not necessarily just for Hiller’s benefit, but to prevent any future innocent athletes from being jerked around in this very grey area).
@olboodog This is a very interesting point which underscores the real problem which is that in CF one can only appeal a decision with the very same organization that has just made the decision. No independent avenue is allowed by CrossFit to appeal their decisions.
Allegedly breaking the rules.

No. He has come out and said that he is taking PEDs. It's been openly talked about.

Deep fakes are your defense on this? If you're an elite athlete, you'll be tested. Otherwise, goodbye.
@sadkitty Saying something isn't proof of it.

He could be telling the truth and actually be using. He could have been lying this entire time. It doesn't matter that he's most likely telling the truth. He's been banned on his word.

If someone makes a deepfake of Mat Fraser admitting to PED use, can be be retroactively stripped of his titles on it alone? Currently it appears so.

This isn't about Hiller, it's about the precedent it's setting for every other athlete.
@olboodog You're talking about elite level athletes who are tested on a (CFHQ style) regular basis.

They don't need proof because he is admitting it. He's not going through their testing, and they have no reason to test him or allow him to compete.