Can’t eat enough…

@lorilu05 Thank you! This was helpful!
I started lifting about 5 weeks ago, but only started incorporating more than one meal about a week ago, it’s been rough.
Thank you for the suggestions! I will rework my meals in the coming week.
@ready123 Yeah one meal a day is clearly not enough, especially as you're lifting and need MORE macros.

Shakes can be useful. I put protein powder and a shit ton of fruit in mine. 3x bananas, a good chunk of berries, and some soy milk if I haven't run out. You can easily put a bunch of nuts in there. Nuts are high calories, high protein, high fat, and blended into a shake are EXCELLENT for bulking up easily and quickly.

Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds also excellent. But find flavours you like and whatever's cheap near you. Cashews would be great - gives an even creamier taste and texture. They're super expensive where I am. But nuts and seeds are an excellent option for you for the shake. You can easily get 500 calories into a shake that way with very solid macros also. And you won't feel so full/bloated/whatever the issue is as if you'd eaten it all. - e.g. if eating disorder. Buy in bulk and they work out pretty cheap. Peanuts often the cheapest but if you look online you can often find super cheap options to buy in bulk. Can be a useful tool.

You may wish to try overnight oats also. Throw in nuts and seeds and so on also, and you've got a solid breakfast for the day. Easy to make (just refrigerate overnight of course) and can come up with a ton of different recipes.

Another easy way to sneak different stuff in is pancakes. Into the pancake mixture you can blend nuts and seeds and a bunch of veggies. Iirc I remember a lentil pancake or something also. And you won't really taste them (with some experimentation).

That said, best in general to work towards two meals a day and then three meals a day eventually.

Good luck!
@ready123 Snack on some nuts throughout the day. Add avocado to your meals. Olive oil. Dairy free creamer to your coffee or tea or drink of choice. Make some healthy ice cream and slog it after dinner instead of fruits
@ready123 If you like ice cream and avocados by the way, try blending an avocado, some cocoa powder, a sweetener of choice, some coconut cream, tofu, and some ice cubes then let it chill in the freezer for a bit. it sounds a bit vile but it is legit the most delicious ice cream alternative ever on god, creamiest shit ever

I have one of these bad boys every day
@ready123 You’ll get used to it. I had this same issue jumping from around 2200 calories a day to 3000. As long as you track your calories and get to your caloric target daily, even if you have to force it down and can’t stand another bite, your gut will adapt.

It will produce more microbes and more bile and for me within about 1-2 weeks of forcing down 3000 calories, I don’t even think about it now. I sometimes even get hungry for more. Your gut can be trained just like your muscles.
@ready123 Well - if you here any interviews with Holywood celebreties that has gained alot of muscles more or less all of them say that the hardest part was all the eating. Forcing so much food in them.

So yes. If you train hard, you need to eat hard.

One meal a day is definitely not enough. But if you are having trouble eating more, then I would suggest some healthy snacks.
Like some kind of ball with chia/oat/dates/kernels/seeds/dark chocolate/ and such.
Make some crispbread with lots of seeds and some spreads (hummus, beanspreads)
@ready123 1 tin chickpeas drained and rinsed...
5 dates...
1 Tbsp beanut butter....
500ml soy milk...
1 Tbsp cacao powder...
1 banana...
Sunflower/pumpkin seeds...

Blend that shit up and tastes like a chocolate smoothie with a lot of protein and calories
@ready123 I am currently in a calorie surplus eating one meal a day and have seen good growth. Here's what I've learned:
- soya milk instead of water in a protein shake adds a good amount of kcal
- add a scoop of peanut butter to your shake
- use oils in cooking, even if not to fry with but just adding oil at any point in the cooking process is like free calories in terms of stomach space per calorie
- i mainly eat chickpeas or lentils as my protein source in my main meal and i always prefer rice over pasta.
- peanuts after your meal are high in protein but also fat, making them easy to round out your calorie needs on a nearly full stomach
- adding msg in small amounts to my food on days when i feel less hungry made a big difference in being able to eat enough food. It's not inherently unhealthy if used in place of salt in an otherwise-healthy meal

I probably eat somewhere between 3,500-4,000kcal per day within my one hour eating window, it certainly was challenging at first but now I'm used to it and honestly I've never felt better physically than i do now. (This is probably quite a few more calories than you'll need, I'm pretty tall and my daily life outside the gym is also relatively active.