I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

@newbee3 I hate sweet protein smoothies too.

I make mine simple.
A little OJ, a scoop of UNSWEETENED UNFLAVORED protein powder, a little frozen raspberries, and water. It’s basically just like tropical juice and not thick so I drink it super fast. Voila 20-30g.

There are also some greens/ginger protein powders out there for something more healthy savory.
@newbee3 I’ve used a couple -
Sunwarrior, garden of life, and just basic grocery brand unflavored pea proteins!

The acidity totally masks the protein powder. And you really only need a little OJ/fruit, mine is about half water when I make it! It’s super easy and yummy :) bonus points if you get fortified OJ.
@newbee3 Check out Foodtolive.com they have some excellent options and if you buy in bulk it's quite affordable. I like their toasted pumpkin seed protein
@newbee3 Vital wheat gluten is quite versatile, same with extra firm tofu. Each should be ~20g a serving and v digestible, assuming no intolerances
@newbee3 You could always throw a scoop of pea protein into 20oz+ of water. It really dilutes the taste and texture, mostly tastes just off of normal water taste. I use Sprouts pea protein and if I use just water it's pretty easy.

At 120 cals per, it's very low calorie for a shot of 27-30g protein or whatever it is
@newbee3 I like marinating a bunch of tofu and then smoking it in the smoker. Tastes really good, I get some veggies in there too.

I like soy protein isolate with soy milk, tastes great to me and doesn’t clump which I hate
@newbee3 I hate them too, but I really need them especially as a truck driver to meet my goals. One thing that helped me is I started using a straw putting it closer to the back of my mouth and just chugging it. Also I try to drink it at room temp. Hope this helps. :)