Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

@dollfaceme23 4 seconds isn’t that long. I would aim for around 10 second descent, and the key thing to remember is to maintain the control allll the way down to the bottom until your arms are straight. Don’t go slow for the first 75% and then drop, go slow for the full 100% range of motion, maintaining that tension all the way down.
@dollfaceme23 If you're at home with a doorway pullup bar - do grease the groove method where you just do one negative every so often throughout the day. If not, try doing a workout of 3 sets. You've said your max is 4s, so do 3 sets of 2 seconds say, maybe even 1 second if you need to. The benefit of doing 3 sets rather than 1 big one is it gets your body used to the movement and full range of motion.

When you can comfortably do 2, 2, 2, for example, do 3, 2, 2. When you can comfortably do that, do 3, 3, 2. Keep going in this pattern, i.e.




4,4,4 etc.

For reference it took me about 3 months of negatives before I could do a pullup, and most of that time felt like I wasn't making progress. Pullups are really hard, and it takes a lot of time for your body to develop your back muscles. Be consistent, follow a pattern, and trust that your body is building muscle. Good luck!
@dollfaceme23 It was just the strength level I was at. I did traditional weight training before this, when gyms in my area were still open. Dont fuss too much over how long or short yours are. You'll see improvement quick
@dollfaceme23 You could use some form of adjustable step and keep reducing the height of the step as you get better at it. Eventually you’ll find you no longer need the step and voila, you’re doing a pull up. Only problem is finding something that can function as an adjustable step.

Just focus on going a little better than the last time every time you do them.

You got this.
@dollfaceme23 How are you doing your pull ups/pull downs? I find it way easier when my mind-muscle connection is there for some reason and to achieve that is to imagine you have no arms and your torso is just floating up and down.
@dollfaceme23 Hi I assume you are a female from the stats.

Good thing is you are short and light so it won't be so hard after you got your first reps.

Here is how you do it: Drop the bands. Just do negatives. Jump to the bar or use a chair. And then slowly lower yourself. Try to make it last 10s.

Do a few reps of these. Take a break and do another set. Try to make 30-40reps per day. But only train every other day - you need recovery time.

After 2weeks you will be able to do 1-2 pull ups.
@dollfaceme23 Negatives are super effective. They will work. If they are really hard just rest enough in between the reps. 40 every other day will be a crazy volume. Be prepared to get really sore.

If you can't fit 40 in your day start with 20. And increase the volume when you get stronger.
@dollfaceme23 Just want to throw in a couple basics: make sure you can actually hang on the bar long enough to accomplish how many pullups you're shooting for, and take a look at your diet too. You may be able to progress faster if there is room for a few improvements in your diet

It sounds like you flat out need more bar time, so just make it a priority to hang more as a way to add more volume when you're spent on training the actual pullup
@dollfaceme23 I can do a lot more if I don’t go full range of motion. Try starting with small angles and hangs, and progressively increase the angle until you’re at code to 180, full extension.
@dollfaceme23 Ring inverted pull ups. As you get stronger you can get more horizontal. Also if you cannot do any pull ups start with chin ups and don’t try pull ups again until you can do 10 chin ups with good form.