@dollfaceme23 Hey mate I'm a bit late to the party but I'd thought I'd add my two cents.
For reference, I also struggled to learn pullups but was desperate to get them too, this video helped me so much
fitness faqs !
A lot of people are saying use bands, I'd avoid that for the same reasons as on the video.
I personally used a mix of things but the jist has always been as follows;
Warm up, 10-30s passive hang, 10-30s active hang, 10 scap pull ups x 2 sets, 1 set of 15 assisted pull ups using both feet on a stool, 1 set of 10 using just one foot.
Working, 3-5 sets of 5-7 negatives, tempo is 1s hold at the top and as close to 6s down as you can.
Back off sets, repeat the warm up but in reverse order.
Every now and then mix in some hangs at the top in the warmup/back off, keep doing the kneeling lat pull downs, but on a different day, make sure you're really feeling those abs when you doing them by flexing the glutes and tilting your pelvis (tucking your tail bone)
Be patient and good luck.