CrossFit culture…


New member
I’m new to CrossFit. I joined in August. I would like to know if the culture I am about to explain is universal.

People are standoffish and only talk to you when you engage them. Especially the super fit people. It’s weird. I feel very unwelcome. As for the trainers, I still have to ask the meaning of abbreviated exercises cuz nothing is explained.

Im sure I’m being sensitive. I am super pissed right now.

Had a cocky kid, young enough to be my son, tell me to switch to pushups from my knees. The way he said it was pity mixed w annoyed. I was super embarrassed.

I think this place is designed for advanced fitness people and not normal chubby people who are hella intimidated.
@godwrestler Crossfit is completely decentralized. Every gym is different. As others have said, sometimes even different classes within one gym may have different vibes. My gym is not like this and the owner/head coach would not tolerate it. So no, it isn't universal. I'm sorry that you had this experience.
@godwrestler people might be standoffish because they're trying to focus on their workout or maybe they view their gym time as "time I don't have to talk to people"

but if you don't like the atmosphere, find a new place. don't quit altogether, just find the place that matches your expectations
@jach I second this. I'm highly competitive and very focused on the workout. I can totally see how that comes off as stand-off -ish. BUT, keep in mind, I'm not trying to offend you (or new people to my gym) per se. I'm just very competitive, and I enjoy being competitive and focused. It's my meditation time. Like this comment states, each gym has different cultures, and each time slot of each gym have different personalities. Try them all!
@pjvermont Can confirm. I thought @dptgreg was aloof when I started CF. 2 classes with him I learned couldn’t be farther from the truth and now he’s one of my best friends.

Long story short, don’t be quick to judge, give them a chance to get to know you. Intimidation is normal when starting CF with experienced people around. Hang in there. You’ll be one of them soon.
because they're trying to focus on their workout

This. As someone who's become one of these people, I definitely developed a reputation of being unfriendly by accident when really I was just trying to make the most of the hour and pay attention to the coach, properly warm up, etc.
@jach a lot of the several years members feel a little stand offish at my gym but I remember I’m only a year king member and they have probably seen people come and go a lot during their time at the gym. My gym owners are super friendly and are inclusive of everyone. It varies gym to gym.
@godwrestler Sometimes certain class times have their own culture.

My gym the early morning crew is very intense and competitive.

Starting going after work and they are way more laid back and chatty which fits me better.