CrossFit culture…

@godwrestler Pushups from the knees are super valuable and it may not have been bad advice but most likely bad delivery.

In a long WOD with pushups where my arms are just shot to sh*t I'll drop to knees to continue reps and form and I'm fairly in shape.

As others have said it could be a certain class culture. I generally switch up a lot due to rotating shifts and the dynamics are different from 9am and 4pm and even different from 530pm.

Regardless, if you stick it out, show up and work hard most of, if not all groups will become more inclusive from my experience.
@godwrestler Every gym is a little different - no different to companies. If you don't like this one you shoudl shop around town for others. I went through 5-6 local gyms before I found the one I felt like a fit in
Thanks for all the replies. I didn’t even consider the competition angle.

However, I don’t talk to anyone during their workout, I’m talking about before and after, but I know what you mean.

There’s a fair amount of strutting, but I guess that’s any gym…

It’s obvious that you guys are passionate about CrossFit and I understand the nuances discussed here. I’ll just

As I learn more, I will probable see more value. ($$$)
I Just had a bad day I guess. I still go 3-4 times a week. I just put my head down and grind. . Lol. Just graduated from PVC pipe to barbell. Thanks for the input.
@godwrestler I’ve found that people thought I was standoffish in class…reality was i was trying not to get in anyone’s way and not be an embarrassment in class. Turns out what I was projecting was totally different, especially as my skills improved.
@godwrestler Before I built my home CF gym, I went to a box full of 30yo to 45yo Moms. There’s another one in a military barracks nearby full of hardcore & competitive members.

I’m just a 33 year old business dude trying to maintain a basic degree of athleticism, so I opted for the soccer-mom affiliate. I loved it, they’re awesome gals, and I could sand-bag workouts without shame when I felt like it.

Try to see if something like that is around!
@godwrestler I know this is beating a dead horse with others saying it but have you tried other classes and they’re all that way? If so and their all like that unfortunately it’s probably just the culture of the gym, which sucks but hopefully there’s others around you that you could try!
@godwrestler Sometimes - and I say sometimes, there are periods when a lot of new people start and only stick around for a few weeks and never come back. I found i kept putting in the effort to get to know the new people and then they would disappear. I now wait until it’s clear they are going to stay before I put in my time to get to know them. I’m friendly either way, but community takes time. And yes there are the cocky ones but I would say give it time. Some of us are slow burners to get to know.
@godwrestler I've only been to three CrossFit gyms and haven't experienced something like this yet.

I've taken classes at my current gym in the morning, lunchtime and after work and have had the same experience in each. Everyone is very welcoming and helpful regardless of fitness level. As one who frequently is the last to finish an AMRAP, I am always being motivated and pushed along to complete the workout by the other members.

I also did a drop-in during a work travel visit and experienced similar.

I have to admit, if I experienced what you did, I would never have lasted as long as I have here. The community I found at my affiliate has been such a motivator to keep me going. Hopefully there are other gyms near you and you can try them out to see how they compare.
@godwrestler When you say people only talk to you when you engage them, are they friendly when you engage them? It's pretty normal that a newcomer in a group has to make the first effort. Four months of attendance is still pretty new, it might just take time for you to get to know folks. It took me a good year to feel integrated at my gym, partially because I'm shy, but also serious folks might be waiting to see if you're committed. Some gyms have a lot of transients.

If the coaches are also standoffish and not explaining movements in the WOD, that is a whole other issue. Coaches should know who is newer and provide explanations and coaching for all levels of the class.
@godwrestler Those people are dicks. And don’t listen to anyone but a coach. Even if they’re one of the top people at the gym. A lot of times they give advice based join themselves and what they can do not what’s best for a new client.
@godwrestler This is perhaps a culture at your CrossFit gym, but it is certainly not universal. If you ever are in Atlanta, come check out CrossFit Terminus. The coaches are great, and everyone is welcoming.
@godwrestler Are you sure you aren't projecting your own feelings onto your interactions with class members? Are you making the effort to start conversations and introduce yourself or are you waiting to be approached? Are you trying to talk to members during class (when you should be paying attention to the coach) or do you come early/stay after class to get to know people? Are you coming to the 5:00 AM class when everyone is still waking up and maybe not the most social?

Just some things to consider.
@godwrestler Certain coaches can definitely be that way. Ive never had that experience at a box but just remember your workout is for you!

Coaches constantly say things like “if you can’t do that weight unbroken for 10 reps, do lighter weight, etc”

But at the end of they day you pay for a membership. So if you want to do push-ups regular or break a metcon up with singles of a lift, just clap back at the coach and say “are you paying for my membership?”

Sometimes ppl definitely don’t stay in their lane
@godwrestler Depends on the gym, and even the class time. Some people take time to warm up, used to seeing people kind of come and go, rough making friends to see them disappear in a month.
@godwrestler You just might be in a crappy box, not making excuses or anything like that but that doesn't seem like any box I have ever been too. Find a better place for your biz
@godwrestler Not universal at all.

My box loves a good old chat & accepts everyone that walks through the door. Age & ability are no factors to the love shared.

I have been to another studio where I felt left out, ignored & judged. My anxiety went through the roof and I just hated going there. I decided one day to trial at my current box & never turned back.

My honest opinion on the difference between the two - the owners! Love & respect trickles down. So does toxic behaviours.
@godwrestler I just started CrossFit 3 weeks ago and my experience couldn't be more different than yours.
The coaches are super accomodating, help me scale whatever I need and thoroughly explain each aspect of the workout. The community is the most supportive one I'v ever been in- strangers approach me to ask if I'm new and intoduce themselves, people encouraging and rooting for each other (even if they don't know them) during the WOD.
I've been there only 3 weeks and I already feel like part of their community, and it just keeps me coming back for more.

I'd just suggest you check out another box, maybe your experience will be better somewhere else.
@godwrestler Why does the age of the coach matter?
Most likely they were trying to fix your form or keep you from injury.
Too many people do crappy push ups.
You interpreted pity in the lisle of a workout, I'd suggest that's momentary interpretation