CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

Adding on here…

Workout 3 - 11 reps! Got that one 275 c&j in, which was a PR so that was super fun. Missed the next 8 attempts, which was tough. But happy I hit one. That being said, I know I have more in the tank.

Workout 4 - 470 reps. Kept the row pace to 1:50 and below for pretty much the majority of the entire workout. Unbroken steady pace on the GHDs and V ups. This one is just mental, how hard can you push your engine (and core) and hold on

Workout 5 - 12:13. My rope climbs suck and I have never figured out how to use my feet correctly so that slowed me down big time at the end (I think I started these around the 8 min mark). I was already pretty smoked before starting this but knew it would be over rather quickly so pushed hard. Deadlifts sets of 2 or 3 except for 315 did quick-ish singles. C2B and MU just bite off large chunks with minimal rest. Would have been a more fun workout if I wasn’t feeling so toasted.

Overall, super fun and challenging QFs. Things I need to work on (probably in this order): any type of HSPU, heavy barbell work (especially snatch and c&j), and technical skill work (crossovers, rope climbs). Can’t wait for next year.
@jonjones229 24M/66’/157lbs
Unfortunately I learned just how hard x9 25ft HSWs and finished with 25 reps total on test 1. Test 2 TBD. Interested to see if my crossover work pays off.
@jonjones229 25m / 5’10” / 195 lbs

First time Quarterfinals qualifier here.

Workout 1 - 41 reps

Strategy was to spend first minute doing front squats and recovering, then spend one minute on each hand stand walk. Things were going smoothly until I failed my 5th handstand walk. Ended up failing one more and finished all of them around the 12 minute mark.

Did 12 front squats at 185# and dropped. Felt like I was going to pass out. Probably a mix of legs being fatigued from Workout 2 the night prior and wearing my belt too tight; I never squat with a belt. Not sure why I thought it would be a good idea for Quarterfinals.

Nonetheless, finished the second round of front squats at 12:56. I jumped up for my first round of muscle ups and nearly snapped my wrist. The ring on my grips got loose, so my hand slipped out and went through the ring.

Was honestly some pretty scary shit. But I was fine, so I jumped up at 13:30 and planned to do three muscles ups every :30. Time expired after hitting two muscle ups in my third set of :30.

Kind of bummed I missed two handstand walks, didn’t go unbroken on second round of front squats, and slipped on the muscle ups, but overall happy with this score. 9 handstand walks is a win for me!

Workout 2 - 294 reps

Treated it like a 12 Minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 8 DB snatches + 8 OH DB lunges
Minute 2: 8 DB snatches + 8 OH DB lunges
Minute 3: 40 crossovers

Not sure how it will stack up, but executed just as I planned and happy with the score. Crossovers we’re interesting. Surprisingly got easier as the rounds went on.

Workout 3 - TBD

Workout 4 - TBD

Workout 5 - TBD
@jonjones229 I'm sure it's been discussed but I haven't seen comments about it yet. Why test Ring MU and HSPU again? (even if the standards on the latter are different)
@jonjones229 Just finished 1 & 2! Brutal tests for me. Apparently, unbroken 25ft stretches of HSW are a weakness of mine lol. Spent about 11 minutes on that part, with a few heartbreaking no reps at 23/24ft (so I had to start the whole length over again). Overall would not want to do this one again. Test 2 was better! I picked up the crossovers pretty quickly, having never tried them before. Was able to grit through the snatches and lunges pretty well.

Test 3 will be me doing 5 burpee box jump overs as fast as possible before staring at the barbell for the rest of the time haha. I’m looking forward to 4 & 5 though!
@jonjones229 The QF3 C+J weight is aggressive. 21.4 is not the exact same as a max C+J, but most are probably jerk limited in both. There were only roughly 1900 men that got to 275# on 21.4 out of 130K men that submitted at least one score. So it's in roughly the top 1.5% of competitors. Will be interesting to see how many entries at QF3 are at 5 reps.
@jonjones229 Boyfriend did workout 1 already, got to 18 hspu.. wasn’t really happy with it too.

Then we had to struggle to find a 32,5kg dumbell in our small town since our gym has up to 30kg.
Let’s see how tomorrow goes.
He’s most worried about the Clean and Jerk wod since it’s basically his 1RM 🤦🏽‍♀️
@red_panda So fucking stupid that it’a 32.5kg. How many gyms even have them?! Also 70lbs is less than 32kg, so we are being done over anyway. Just HQ thinking the world revolves around America as usual.
@jonjones229 9-15-21 into 21-15-9 where both rounds of 15 are muscle ups.. how creative

124kg clean and jerk is almost the weight they had at the games with the running and stoh yikes..

not sure what to think of that
@forfamily Well, they are not meant to be doable by the entire 10%. They are used to separate the really fit from the very fit. IMHO they do that. And yes, the numbers are not very creative. They could have gone and put a spin on that, but in the end I guess it does not really matter that much
@dawn16 I agree with you. But I doubt that more than 20% of the QF-people can c&j for that weight.

This makes a lot of people not even sign up.
Imagine 80% not being able to perform an open wod. This is exactly the same, just on another scale. And did the open filter the best? For sure.