CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

@forfamily A couple of the workouts seem to be impossible for the 90-95% qualifiers to complete, and all of the “for time” workouts seem like sprints for games level athletes.

The workouts look fun if you can do them though.
@asatrugirl I 100% agree.

But at this stage the c&j weight could have been 110kg - the same people would move on to semis and waaay more people could do the wod. There is enough seperation with the execution and cycling of the barbell, the weight is absurd.
@jonjones229 Some real good separators here. The unbroken aspect of the HSW, heavy C+J.
I love test #1 even though I didn't even finish, the best will really display their shoulder endurance / pressing ability.
@jal11180 I got 15. Same boat as you on the HSW. My friend went just before me so I went too tentative on the walks, but it’s the rings that really killed me. Took me over 3 minutes and 4 sets.
@jonjones229 Pretty savage looking workouts for sure!

V-ups is an odd one that’s gonna cause all sorts of no-rep / judging issues.

Crossovers is going to be another shit show.

Chest to wall handstand push-ups as well….. jeeeeeez!
@jonjones229 The v-ups are going to be a complete shit show. And a totally unnecessary one. I think a static hollow hold that must be 30 seconds unbroken (or something like that) would be more creative, a better test, and a million times easier to judge.
@sic Looking at the V-up standard on the scorecard, I don't think it's really that crazy. Soft knees are allowed as long as you aren't deliberately bending your knees. The start of the movement is easy to judge, and the top of the movement is hands touching toes above head level. That doesn't strike me as any worse than judging depth in a squat, which is pretty commonly accepted (though not always easy to do at speed).

Personally, if they were going to have a static hold, I'd rather see an L-sit than a hollow hold, but static holds are not really the best kind of "movement" for separating athletes apart from one another, since no one can do the static hold faster than anyone else, and "for time" and AMRAP workouts are all basically races.

Honestly, my complaint for that workout, just from the standpoint of testing the elite athletes, is that they are using meters instead of calories on the row. Once you have a halfway decent pace, it's really hard to save much time over 1,500m, so then it becomes a GHD/V-up race with a big emphasis on quick transitions. 2000m at a 6:00 pace is roughly 40 Cal on the rower. If they made it 20 Cal row + 50 GHD + 10 Cal row + 25 V-up, then you could really gain a lot by pushing the row.
@hogman49 Metres are linear to the amount of work you are doing, while cals are exponential. This effectively means cals are more of a “high risk, high reward”, i.e there is a lot more capacity for time separation if using cals instead of m
@revjrm2047 Point taken on cals instead of meters. I do think they clearly explained the standard but asking both athletes and judges to perform to a standard that’s brand new and that athletes can move through quickly is going to be unnecessarily challenging and just invites controversy. A static hold is infinitely easier to judge.

And with a static hold, it’s tricky but you want a duration that athletes will be challenged to do unbroken in later rounds. If unbroken for 30 seconds (or whatever duration) is the requirement it introduces an element of strategy that enhances the test in my opinion. Huge time penalty if you start but are unable to finish unbroken and always trying to figure out if you rested long enough or too long. I think it would be a great test.
@revjrm2047 Yeah I'm disappointed with that one. I was really hoping for something like
Chase ingraham predicted (alternating movements)

50-40-30-20-10 GHD

10-20-30-40-50 Row cals
@dale1257 Yeah. I thought of that too and they repeated other movements from the open in the programming here. But I could be convinced that avoiding grip being a limiting factor during this amrap would be an important factor in achieving the desired stimulus. I think combining a static component with all of the dynamic components around it could be really interesting. But regardless the point is that v-ups are a wonderful training movement and an absolutely horrible competition movement.
@sic Yep. For as much as L-sit holds are programmed, it would be nice to see them incorporate that somehow. Say 5 reps of static hold to L-sit (mandatory reset after each rep) would have been nasty and not too grippy. Relatively easy to judge.
@jonjones229 Workout one kinda shits on anyone who thinks QF is a money grab. I now know of people who aren't going to sign up (but did last year) because workout 1 and 3 are out of reach for them.