@sic Looking at the V-up standard on the scorecard, I don't think it's really that crazy. Soft knees are allowed as long as you aren't deliberately bending your knees. The start of the movement is easy to judge, and the top of the movement is hands touching toes above head level. That doesn't strike me as any worse than judging depth in a squat, which is pretty commonly accepted (though not always easy to do at speed).
Personally, if they were going to have a static hold, I'd rather see an L-sit than a hollow hold, but static holds are not really the best kind of "movement" for separating athletes apart from one another, since no one can do the static hold faster than anyone else, and "for time" and AMRAP workouts are all basically races.
Honestly, my complaint for that workout, just from the standpoint of testing the elite athletes, is that they are using meters instead of calories on the row. Once you have a halfway decent pace, it's really hard to save much time over 1,500m, so then it becomes a GHD/V-up race with a big emphasis on quick transitions. 2000m at a 6:00 pace is roughly 40 Cal on the rower. If they made it 20 Cal row + 50 GHD + 10 Cal row + 25 V-up, then you could really gain a lot by pushing the row.