CrossFit survey for a Master's thesis (w/ chance to win a Nike Metcon 5)


New member
Hi guys,

I am writing my master’s thesis about the brand experience in CrossFit. This week, I started to collect data for my empirical analysis and would be very happy if you could take 5 minutes of your time to do my survey. However, it only makes sense to take the survey if you are/were doing CrossFit. One Nike Metcon 5 shoe (edit: *a pair) will be given to a randomly selected survey participant. Any help, such as sharing the link with other CrossFit groups on WhatsApp, is very much appreciated.


[UPDATE W/ RESULTS: The results show the existence of significant relationships between co-created brand experiences and brand satisfaction and brand loyalty, which are intensified through the influence of serious leisure characteristics within the consumer base. However, contrary to previous studies brand satisfaction was not shown to considerably influence brand loyalty.

The pictures below best summarize the results, whereby attachment 1 shows the framework (study design) and attachment 2 the results. Combining the two attachments, you can see which of the brand experience dimensions are the strongest in CrossFit and how they influence brand satisfaction and brand loyalty.]

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Edit: closed the survey and deleted the link. Thanks a lot for 2116 responses! Winner was contacted and Metcon's have been ordered.

Thanks a lot!
@samuelcox003 Thanks a lot! It's going quite well atm, just started with data collection and need at least 190 responses. Would be cool if people could share it with their friends.
@lach_nexx Contact gyms in your area, explain what you’re doing, try to recruit from their classes

I did this method for my masters and got over 200 responses
@abzin44 Thanks for the suggestion! Was my original plan, but reddit turned out to reveal the full power of the internet. I got 1700 responses so far, crazy!
@motostew Thanks for the help :) See answer above, was a good night! Posted it before going to an olympic weightlifting class, and had already hundreds of responses afterwards, thanks!
@lach_nexx Done! Two questions:

Can you/how will you distinguish between the global brand of CrossFit versus individual boxes? I’m asking because for me I agree on allot of those statements concerning my box, not the global brand. So as a fellow researcher I’m interested if and how these micro/macro differences will be considered in your research.

Secondly, is there a way to get information about the results? Can you share them with use when your done?

Good luck and have fun!
@mattv30 Thank you! Good questions.

First question: I was thinking of the issue regarding people being attached to their own box, but not the brand in general. However, I am not planning to distinguish this. In my opinion (will look further into literature regarding this), the individual boxes are a major part of the overall brand. Without the overall brand, the boxes would not exist in this way, and vice versa, which makes CrossFit a fully co-created brand (among other reasons).

Second question: I will try my best to share them with you here when I am done (around June). If you need any other information regarding the study, motivation, etc., you can just send me a private message (as I do not want to potentially bias survey-takers by giving away to much information beforehand.
@lach_nexx I see your point of view. I think our different backgrounds differ on this. I come from a social psychology perspective, in which the social groups of the global brand and the boxes would be two different aspects. It might actually be interesting to research in-group/out-group relationship between the brand and boxes with a multilevel analysis. But that has nothing to with your research anymore, and would also be really difficult.
@etienne92 I'll check with my university's regulation to see if I am allowed to share a whole thesis (I have no idea how this is regulated). Otherwise, I'll make sure to have a summary of the results to inform you guys.