Day 1 of 10000 Kettlebell swing challenge


New member
M55 200 lbs 5 feet 9 - "cuddly"

Finally decided to tick this off my list - I got 60% through in the first two weeks in January this year but then life got in the way.

I have a holiday scheduled in 25 days time so will be doing 20 sessions of 500 before then.

Taking it slow - no need to rush I've done 500 in less than 24 minutes but doing -

38 x 12 EMOM x 24 kg bell

1 x 7 x 24 kg bell

1 x 9 x 32 kg bell

1 x 8 x 32 kg bell

1 x 8 x 32 kg bell

Total 500

NB - I will add extra 32kg in to finish on 9000 x 24 plus 1000 x 32.

Be interesting to see if I lose any weight or gain any deadlift

Anyone else completed this recently?
@alohaisu I just failed my personal 5k swing challenge at 25 lbs. I had back surgery 10 years ago, still having back and hip pain and problems.

Only been training for about 6 months. I did 3k swings, 250 a day, before my back was sore, and i didnt want to overwork and risk injury.

I did 3k though, and i plan to try 5k again in october at 35ish lbs.

I noticed my abs are tighter and my posture is much better. Didnt lose much weight, but i wasnt hardcore calorie counting and lots of cheats due to 2 birthdays and mothers day in may.

Good luck, hope you make it. Keep us updated
@shivani0010 I think you should focus more on strength than endurance, especially if you have back pain issues. Long sessions have a higher chance of form failure and that's the main cause of back soreness with swings.
@juancarlos Any recommendations? I have an adjustable weight KB and can make it upto 50 lbs with the weights i have now.

I was at 30 lbs, but i overworked my lower back and glutes in march doing too many lower back excercises in one day and locked up my back muscles for about 2 weeks
@alohaisu I’ve done the 10000 challenge...but in 10 days. 1000 swings a day in a single session. 24kg bell.

Very fun. Makes all training that takes place thereafter seem paltry.

Switch it up to keep it interesting: Single hand, double hand, switch hand, etc.
@alohaisu So you are using your own set/rep scheme? Those long sets are part of the challenge, be it the 10-15-25-50 or the 15-35-15-35 scheme.

Edit: not saying that 10k swings in 20 days isn't a challenge, because it is, but it's not the 10k challenge.
@juancarlos I am starting slow mainly as I do not want to burn out in week 2 as I am not taking rest days - I will be going longer as it progresses assuming I am not too tired plus adding extra weight into the mix was in my mind some compensation.

But I totally agree - it's not the 10k challenge
@alohaisu I did Dan John's 10'000 swing challenge with the 24kg in February/ March this year. It's tough, but doable. I like the meditative repetition. Kind of calming, to be honest.

It's a swing, not a squat. Don't "squat" your swing.

The reps are 10, 15, 25, 50. Don't change that. You _have_ to do the 50. That's the whole point. The 50 swings is the whole point.

10 = think back of thighs/ butt

15 = think abs

25 = think hip snap & the float

50 = think grip. Grip, grip, grip. And a burning heart rate. Panting and sweating.

I didn't really lose any weight/ pants size. Maybe a little. However, shoulders are now way stronger. Arms, upper arms, forearms, are way stronger. Back top shoulder blades are larger. Hips and thighs are larger. Defined leg muscles now, defined butt. The tummy remained kind of unchanged, to be honest, though there was a little ab development underneath my fat. (Alcohol consumption/ diet was not changed during this process.)

Before the 10'000 swings @ 24kg, to prepare, I got up to being able to jog for 40 minutes. Then, with that cardio ability, I was able to start the 10'000 swings @ 24kg program.

Keep at it. Your grips goes up amazingly, which helps with, say, deadlifts or opening stuck jars.

After Dan John's 10'000 swings @ 24kg, I did the Simple & Sinister @ 32kg, and am currently on the Rite of Passage (DiLuglio) @ 32kg.
@shawnmcg "After Dan John's 10'000 swings @ 24kg, I did the Simple & Sinister @ 32kg, and am currently on the Rite of Passage (DiLuglio) @ 32kg."

Thanks for this - my challenge I think will be "whisper - a bit more Crossfit" - the 500k metres rowing in 30 days challenge but I really like the idea of the Rite of Passage.

I hit 56 in a couple of weeks and I need to lose some weight so I have been thinking of entering some Spartan type races to make me work more on cardio - I have decent BP and a resting pulse below 60 but am conscious that as I get older I need to remain "heart healthy"

Good luck with the ROP !
@alohaisu I'm trying to do 50k total swings this year and because of a slow start and a hockey related injury (bruised coxyx for 3 weeks) I'm looking at a 10k challenge to shore up a gap.

Curious what you did to prepare for this - if anything.
@on_a_mission_ With exercise I have always been into LSD (Long Slow Distance) rather than speed - I have a Concept rower which I have used a lot never managing to get down to 1:45 for 500 metres but can switch off and crank out 25000 metres in 2 hours with no issue.

With the swings I just built it up slowly from 100 x 16 through to doing 500 easily then getting a bigger bell so that 500 x 24 is now pain free and "easy".

Just don't rush things - swings just like running miles or rowing metres can just be added on and on and on.

Good luck.
@alohaisu Just finished Day 14 and I am going to discontinue mainly to boredom/lack of excitement to finish. It was a great run and I feel good about the 7000 swings I completed. I will definitely do this again in the future.

Grip strength, work capacity, shoulder/back strength is way up so I'm pretty happy with it
@swoyach I get the point with boredom - I try and get into a meditative type of state or just listen to an interesting book or podcast to get me through it.

Glad you saw some results !