Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

@steveinalberta I’m around 5’2” and 145 too and I actually think I look pretty good but I still have trouble with the idea that the ultimate goal is getting the scale lower. Many years ago I was close to 125 at my lightest. Although I was stoked since that was the lowest weight I’ve ever been since hitting puberty, when I saw a picture of myself I thought I looked sickly and had no curves. I think 135 might be an absolute ideal but it’s so tough loosing those last few pounds!
@marjo Replying to this comment as it’s not letting me reply to your comment to me asking

“Do you exercise at all?”

Yes, I do. This would be the wrong sub for me if I didn’t.

I run about 25 miles/week between 4 runs, 1 is a recovery run of 30 minutes/easy paced 3 miles.

I also weight train 3x a week and take yoga several times throughout the week.

I also spin randomly throughout the week since I am certified and am training to instruct at my local studio.

I just eat at maintenance. I am fairly active and I don’t think I would be able to personally maintain my current activity level if I cut my calories by enough to lose weight and still have energy to run after 2 toddlers and not be a grouch.
@marjo Oh man I fluctuate between 143-147 weekly and I don’t know how to break it without restricting my diet. I feel like if I cut calories I will be so irritable so I’m afraid to do so
@marjo Oh man it took me months of trial and error. At first I started exercising and strength training and saw some great body recomposition but the scale didn’t budge which was frustrating. So I changed my focus to cardio only, working out 4-5 days a week and limiting myself to 1300 calories a day. Tracked my calories and my weight each morning. The thing that really made a difference was dropping my calories from 1450 to 1300. I think understanding my BMR and TDEE was key.

Note: I also like to do 3 week sprints where I am good on the weekends too. Then I take a weekend off and eat what I want, and resume again the following Monday. I of course have cheat days on the weekend but I met my goals in about 5 months.
@marjo I’m already a muscular gal. I got a scale on Amazon that supposedly tells you your % water weight, body fat % etc. It says I’m already in a high tier for muscle so I wasn’t worried about keeping on muscle at this point. Just wanted to lose weight overall. Now that I’ve hit my goal, I’ve switched to more of a circuit/HIIT style workout and upped my protein in order to build back some muscle. But not a lot lol!

Good luck!! You can do it!! And once you start seeing progress, you might even become slightly addicted to it like I did haha. I never used to enjoy running but now I have a treadmill in my garage and it is my best friend lol
@wedemars Something to consider is that the decision doesn’t have to be permanent. You can stay at this weight for a while, see if you’re happy with it long term. If you find you want to go leaner later, you can always do so then. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
@wedemars I wish this were me! I have terrible body dysmorphia and no matter how thin I get I want to be thinner.

FWIW objectively 125 pounds at 5'4" sounds super healthy and fit and pretty small?
@happykiwi I struggled with this a lot too. Another user told me that your waist size is due to the distance between your hips and rib cage. So if you have a big rib cage, you might physically never be able to have (for example) a size 24 inch waist. I haven never been smaller than a size 29 inch waist. My body dysmorphia got better when I started lifting weights. I got great curves, and even though I wasn't the number I wanted, I looked amazing. What made my tummy look big before was the lack of muscle/ curvature in my butt, and lack of muscle in my chest/ back to support my breasts.

I'm not sure what your overall goal is, but I hope you're able to reach it soon.
@ixin I'm dipping my toes into strength training. I am a lover of walking and "gentler" exercise like pilates, but I know strength training is super important for bone health. I am the opposite of you, body-wise--my waist is very small and I have giant legs/butt. So I'm like, maybe I will just lean into the butt trend? I suppose the best thing is to just be healthy and embrace our best selves?
Also, functional strength from lifting is amazing. Like, I want to be able to carry groceries and shovel my car out of the snow.
@wedemars Yup! I've weighed as much as a really muscular 145 and as little as a 115 in the last 5 years (I am 5'6"). I realized I like my body best when I'm in the 120-125 range and strength training.

I never had weight loss goals really (I was always trying to gain), but yes my lowest weight is not my favorite weight.
@wedemars I don’t think it’s a cop out at all. I was very skinny in college and the years following (5’7” 120-125). I gained weight slowly since to about 135, then 145 after covid and am looking to drop back to 135ish. At 120, I had no boobs and no butt. No shame in that, but it’s not the shape I prefer on myself. You should do what makes you happy. It’s not like in a few months you can’t change your mind.
@wedemars I’m 5’1 and wanted to get down to 100lbs. I started at 115lbs and sedentary. With strength training and cardio I managed to get down to 105lbs for a while, but then I started gaining weight because I started eating more since I was much more active. Unlike before fitness, the extra weight started going to more optimal areas like my butt and I’m happy. Last I checked I was 110lbs. I don’t weigh myself anymore because I’ve been starting to gain muscle and I care more about what I see in the mirror and not what I see on the scale.
@ndmaher This is what happened to me. I now have a firm butt and toned legs, and love them. I’m far from my “goal weight,” and I don’t think I even want to hit it. My hip measurement is pretty large, from all my glute workouts, and jeans don’t fit well, and I’ve never been happier. Anyone can diet and slim down, but it takes work to tone up, and I’m becoming really proud of my progress.
@zg713 I agree! I don’t want to hit my previous goal weight if it means a smaller butt and legs. I love the definition I see. Proud of both our progress! :)
@ndmaher Yeah, my waist shrunk like crazy and my stomach is flat, but my legs are bigger. So proportionally I achieved peak hourglass. Which is also a healthier fat distribution than I had when skinny (more belly fat, nothing in my thighs)