Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

@wedemars I lost 40-50lbs and got down to about 118 at my lowest (5'2"), I'm currently trying to gain back a bit of weight and put on muscle. I more so want to look athletic and *gasp* maybe even a bit "bulky?"
@elissanjuice I am in the same boat - I lost weight but overshot it (lack of eating when stressed) and now just trying to gain back muscle. I found it so distressing when I realized how much muscle I lost bc I have generally been athletic and muscular during my life but my weight just went wild recently (too high then too low). We got this! ❤️
@wedemars Happened to me! I had a personal trainer tell me my ideal~ weight was 119 (I'm 5'4), so I went on my merry way to get there down from 130. I stopped at 125 because I looked great, shrug forever. I did recomp a lot though, so while my weight is close to the same I'm much more muscular than I used to be.
@dawn16 Yup, folks are built in so many different ways that "ideal weight" estimates are too objective to apply to everyone. Per a website that shows multiple formulas, my ideal weight is 95-114 lbs. But as an active, sports-playing 16 year old I weighed around 125, and I wasn't even done growing and developing at that point. Best to take all of these things with a grain of salt and just get to a point that feels good to you and is reasonable to maintain.
@dawn16 As a PT myself I would NEVER tell someone an ideal weight, because usually the only way to find that is via BMI which is outdated and inaccurate anyways.... body composition is where it's at but even that's hard to pinpoint exactly with the margin of error on some of these machines....
@dawn16 If it helps, I'm 5'1 and was 120 lbs in my late teens when I still had a metabolism, lol. I'll be thrilled if I get below 160. Muscles mean more than weight, I think. Work on getting and staying strong, you'll look lean and toned and good regardless of weight. I firmly believe that.
@catrandy That’s why the healthy range is so large, I think. That’s not an unhealthy place to be at all! Everyone’s body functions best at it’s own place, the key is to figuring out where that is for your goals + well-being.
@catrandy I find it interesting that you are being down voted when people are discussing their own optimal zone for weight and 119 at 5'4" is in the healthy range BMI as is the range you posted.
@catrandy Welcome. The little down arrow on the right was at -1 when I posted. To upvote click up arrow to downvote it's the down arrow. If you see something really offensive you can report people, if someone harasses you or makes you feel uncomfortable you can report and it block.
@marjo For me it’s not too bad, I’ve spent a lot of time at 120 but anywhere lower is where I personally start looking somewhat gaunt I guess. That was also when I had higher bodyfat tho, I’m pretty lean now so it might not look as good but who knows.