Didn’t piss my pants!

@gigglingtrout I have a weak pelvic floor as well. For me, I build up tension in my muscles as a ADHD-symptom, so jumping puts even more pressure on the muscles and they can’t handle that. Pelvic floor PT was a life saver for me as well.
@tiff_tiff Regardless of my score, I went in with a plan and did exactly what I planned to do and the workout felt really good. I like it when workouts are tiring in a “feels good” way vs. “I’m feeling destroyed” (the latter was 24.1).
@tiff_tiff First, HUGE win!

Second, I’m a 48F no kids and I do trampoline too and often have leaking problems. So it’s not just women with babies.

Third, my trampoline coach has confirmed men also get pelvic floor issues with jumping. So not just women.

It’s just not discussed much.

I’m also a yoga teacher and I’ve studied the pelvic floor leak issue extensively.

What I’ve discovered many people don’t know is that pelvic floor is related to feet and jaw.

In fact I can usually tell if I’m going to leak because I feel my ankle tweak.

Usually I will stop myself just before that happens then breathe and restart.

A lot of it is breath control and training the diaphragm better. You have a diaphragm at your pelvic floor too

Also intrinsic foot strength

And the biggest part of all: posture.

If your torso is not stacked on your pelvis or you have an anterior tilt you’re more likely to leak.

I did Open 24.2 twice
1st time 6 + 270M
2nd time: 7 + 117M

A big part of my improvement was cleaning up the singles (I don’t have dubs) and going unbroken. It was a good pelvic floor day. I took an extra 2 deep breaths before each set of singles to really center and get aligned and that helped a lot. Made up those extra seconds in faster sets of singles.

Also not leaking from the pelvic floor = not leaking energy and focus from the workout.

When I feel like I’m going to leak I don’t push myself as hard.

Things to consider … 🤔
@bannerman Really great insight, thanks for sharing. I knew about the jaw/pelvic floor connection from my birthing classes but hadn’t heard about the connection to the ankles and feet! Makes sense, it’s all connected isn’t it!
I really think the strategy for anyone looking to improve skipping and double under tolerance without leaking is to practice breathing and resetting like you mentioned. I found it really useful to stop just before the point I felt I might leak, take a deep 360 breath refocus and go again! My muscular/cardiovascular insurance is more than my pelvic floor but hopefully one day it will catch up!
@tiff_tiff Yeah. The stop before leaking to breathe and recenter is huge. Not just in avoiding the leak but also I find that trips and leaking often come together. And both can deplete confidence.

So stopping just before that happens preserves confidence because you’re stopping on YOUR terms.

I’ve also noticed that when I’m on my period and wearing a tampon I don’t leak — at least on trampoline. Haven’t had as much experience with jumping rope to notice trends like that.

Curious if you have seen a correlation.
@bannerman You can actually get these tampon-like things called Poise Impressa. Essentially it’s like a disposable pessary or a little tent that helps hold everything in place to help prevent leaking. I know a feel people who use them for running.