Disappointed with my 24.1 result

@damj In my opinion a 40% improvement on your open result from last year is too big of an aim, even 10% I think would be a really impressive improvement. Go easy on yourself
@damj So last year I was in the 60’s for the first workout and then I destroyed the thrusters in the second or third open workout and ended up in the 27th percentile. I’m in the same boat as you, 14:06 🫨. I’m 6’5”. I’m getting back in CrossFit shape and thankful to have come this far but would definitely like to make the quarters!
@damj I don’t really have much to add besides I feel the same. The last two years I have been in the 11th and 12th percentile (almost made quarterfinals). I finished this workout in 10:06 and was absolutely destroyed, I have no clue how I could have done any better. And I had my worst placement in any open workout since my first year of the open (2021, when I was 2 months into CrossFit).

It’s not that I let it bother me, it’s just disappointing. I feel like I’ve gotten fitter over the last year, but this result kind of disproves that.
@mattfoltz I can top that. I was top 9% last year and I finished 24.1 in 13:49 (and I'm 5'8"!) Not sure what happened but the fitness was just not happening that day.
@damj I was able to finish Rx and am happy with my results. I’m 44 and started CrossFit a little over 2-years ago. Will I be a fire breather? No. Do I feel like I’m improving my health one workout at a time? Yes. Do I have some amazing friends at my gym? Yes. Do we build each other up and praise our personal successes? Absolutely. Remember, you are comparing yourself with other CrossFit athletes. You are likely in the top 5% of healthy folks in your demographic.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Competition is push of desire for betterment. You can have both, but don’t forget how far you’ve come and your overall health.
@damj I couldn't do it because I got horribly sick. Was looking forward to my second Open to improve from last year's. But life has different plans
@damj Same, I finished in the 30th percentile last year so was hoping I could push for quarters this year.

Finished 24.1 in the 48th percentile so need everything to go in my favour in the last two wods or I've got no chance.

I've already started working on my Burpees for next year 😅
@damj I had the flu and a fever for 4 days straight leading up to 24.1 so you can just imagine how that played out 🥲 I waited until the last moment to do it but my body was still not 100% ready
@damj Definitely do not be too hard on yourself. This was NOT a big guy workout. Noticed Mertens first place finish. If every snatch and every burpee take just an extra 0.5 sec compared to a short guy, that's 180 sec or 3 min. I'm 42 yrs old, 6'5" and 285 lbs (130kgs) finished in 9:30, but I'm 10 years in, go 6 days/week, and I'm a coach. Cut yourself some slack bro. Kill that barbell!
@damj I crashed myself. Worst open score percentile wise in several years. I got the flu the week before and just can’t breathe. Last 2 years I was 95th and 96th percentile and this workout I’m 74th. It’s ok -just need to do well the next 2. I think if you can get top 20 percent the next 2 workouts you should be good.

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