Do you guys use any supplements?

To investigate the potential effect of vitamin D on retinol metabolism in human skin keratinocytes, HaCaT cells were preincubated with various vitamin D3-analogs at 10(-7)M for 24 h followed by the addition of [3H]retinol for another 24 h period.

Did you read anything from this abstract? This isn't a study on D3 supplementation, it's a dermatological study of cultured skin cells incubated with a topical D3 and retinol application.

This is relevant for understanding the mechanisms of topical Vitamin A and D applications on the skin, e.g. for skin diseases, but it does not investigate or study general bodily metabolism of Vitamin D and Vitamin A supplements whatsoever, nor can any conclusions be drawn about that from this study.
@mayaann Creatine. Caffeine. Vit D in winter. I do whey at the very end of my cut. Maybe buy 2 jugs all year .maybe 500$ all in every year for all the sups.
@mayaann I know some people groan about this supplement, but carnitine. I genuinely saw a massive boost in endurance and cardiovascular health after supplementing it. The pumps to me feel even greater a long with general blood flow on it.
@mayaann The majority of these answers are completely unnecessary. Eat a well balanced diet and you won’t need all these supplements. Spend money on food not supplements. The only supplement that’s going to really benefit you is creatine. As for preworkout - sodium (few shakes of salt) Low and Hi GI carbs, hydration, and black coffee. Boom there’s the secret to a sick pump without bullshit overpriced and over caffeinated preworkout supplements
@michaelbtc this is my philosophy too. supplements are meant to be just that - deliberate supplements to deficiencies in your diet. if your diet is well balanced, you really dont need to take a ton of shit. i take creatine and omegas, thats it for me. i like going very low carb during cuts and my diet changes to mostly meats, so i add in some zinc, magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, fiber.. specifically the stuff that my cutting diets lack. no reason to spend $200 a month taking it year round though. it wouldnt hurt but it wouldnt help either
@michaelbtc I like to eat half a banana and a slice of cheese before I do cardio. I'm never sure what to eat before strength though, but I feel that not eating also seems wrong (I workout first thing so it's also my breakfast). What does low and hi gi carbs mean?