Do you think your shoe size has a correlation with your ideal weight?


New member
So hear me out— I am 5’2” and have always had a slightly stockier, athletic build. Bigger butt, bigger thighs, strong legs, and… BIG FEET. I am short but wear a size 9.5 - 10 shoe. I started at my biggest around 160 and am now around 142 and feel really good and want to lose maybe 5 or so more pounds, but I feel like anything more than that and I just wouldn’t look right... The smallest I remember myself being in my adult life was maybe high school and that was in the 130’s. So back to my question, do you think shoe size has anything to do with your ideal weight? Like, can a 5’2” girl with size 10 feet have a weight in the 120’s or would that just be weird? Any of you short girls have big feet but are in that range? Just something random I thought about!
@jlegette78 😅 I feel you! I'm the middle of three, and people always think I'm the youngest because I'm down here haha. It took me a while to convince my 6-year-old niece that I am, in fact, older than my 5'7" lil' sis. 🤷‍♀️
@rotlex No. There is no such thing as ideal weight. Your weight is entirely dependent on your body composition.

You can be 125lbs and be very lean with abs and very low body fat and tons of muscle.

You can also look fat at 125lbs if you have very little muscle and a lot of body fat.

There is no ideal weight. How much you need to weigh to get your desired look will depend on how much muscle and fat you have which will in turn impact your metabolism.

If you don’t have a lot of muscle, then you won’t be able to eat as many calories, and you’ll have to weigh much less to “look fit”.

If you have a lot of muscle, then you can eat a lot more and you will inherently weigh a lot more when you “look fit.”
@rotlex I’m 5’3”ish, dense and broad-shouldered (weigh ~143lbs and not trying to lose any more), but I wear a size 5.5 wide shoe. I doubt there’s much correlation.
@rotlex Interesting. I have wondered this too myself.
I am 5' and wear a women's 9.5 or 10 shoe.

I also have huge hands. Mens gloves tend to fit me better as my hands are wide. I wear a men's medium glove.

As a reference my boyfriend is 5'10". We can share gloves and shoes......I have broad shoulders and narrow hips. I've been asked more than once if I was a gymnast as a kid (47 F)

I weigh about 134-136 and am pretty muscular looking and strong. Not super lean, probably about 25%bf

The lowest I've ever been was about 125. I thought I looked amazing, had abs and probably 20%bf. I carry fat in my legs and butt so I got daily comments about looking skeletal (ribs, chest) from family and friends.

I was also constantly cold and struggled with energy to run longer distances (8+ miles) at that weight.

Its easy for me to maintain at 134-136 without being militant about food so ithats where I stay. I gave up on being in the 120s.

I'm getting close to menopause so I feel its better to carry a bit of extra weight and workout hard to maintain my muscle mass. I did run faster 10lbs lighter tho.

I was athletic (martial arts, boxing) from 14 to 25. After that I switched to competive cycling and triathlon.

Anyway...that was a novel. Lol.

But thanks for bringing this to light
@paulmoore I also feel as though my hands are bigger. I'm about 127-135 given the week. It's just refreshing to find my fellow petite ladies with big feet!
@rotlex i have long yet narrow man hands and tiny yet wide feminine feet, so i don’t think there’s too much rhyme or reason to what our bodies do sometimes lol
@rotlex So weird. I was just thinking about this too. I am 5'0" and have broad shoulders and more muscular legs/thighs and can't imagine ever getting down to 130 (what my GP has suggested). I also have DDs which doesn't help in that regard. Even with the belly fat I have left to lose, I don't think I'll have a very narrow waist. No idea if it's connected or not but maybe I need bigger feet to carry everything 😅