Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@johnjs37 I feel this so deep in my bones. It is ridiculously unfair. I LOVE eating and I want to eat and can eat so much. My husband is 6'1 and 280 and it just seems so unfair how much more of the good stuff he gets to enjoy. I put on weight when we started living together because I would unthinkingly "match" his portion sizes, and he would plate my meals the same as his own. I have to think about portion size CONSTANTLY.
@johnjs37 I am a 4’11” woman with the same appetite as my 6’2” 200+ lb fiance 😤 I have a stubborn 15 lbs that I can’t seem to lose but am also consistently amazed that I’ve never been obese with my appetite. I think my saving grace is that I’m naturally muscular, as I can only lose anything when I’m also trying to build muscle
@johnjs37 I'm not even petite at 5'5, but I'm here because I'm disabled and medically can't work out the way abled people can, or walk even the a erage amount most people can so my tdee is super low. It's so frustrating.
@johnjs37 I feel you so much on this one... Went on vacation with my tall boyfriend and enjoyed food without restricting myself - bf lost weight on trip and I gained weight 😂
@johnjs37 Pizza night being the most obvious in my house. Husband is over 6 feet tall, and can eat to his hearts desire. Meanwhile, my plate is half veggies, a quarter grilled chicken, and a quarter pizza. Also have to make pizza at home so I can portion the breading and cheese accordingly. Good news is, garlic naan bread makes an amazing pizza and I do usually feel better afterwards with the extra fiber from the veggies to help with digestion.
@johnjs37 This! The only thing we can do is empower ourselves by playing the cards we were dealt. Focusing on the negatives only brings us further down emotionally which can sometimes affect us physically.
@johnjs37 Not only smaller portions but trying to get the recommended vitamins, fiber and minerals every day! I can only eat a heavy carb meal once or twice a week on 1200 cal if I want to meet my nutrition needs
@johnjs37 Smaller portions and less wiggle room for fun foods because you’re trying to meet your protein/fiber intake on the already too small portions
@johnjs37 That’s exactly why I’m bulking.


You absolutely can eat more food without gaining, you just need to put in some work first.

I am 5’ and currently maintaining at 1800. My old maintenance was 1600. I’m now working on getting it up to 2000 (or more 😆)
@johnjs37 YES I have this thought all the time, sometimes I even cry in frustration because of it. I’ve always eaten as much as my heart desired (like eating the same portion sizes as my 6’2 father) and it was never a concern until I turned 23 and my metabolism slowed down. That’s when I realized how unfair it is to be a petite woman with a big and tall man’s appetite.
Adjusting your portion size is an art and it DOES get easier with time. I still struggle with it but I’m doing better. I’m 5 foot nothing and 119 pounds, working to get to 110. On the bright side when you cut your portion sizes, you can make more meals and spend less money!
@caguas15 It is so unfair and I feel like other people don't understand my frustration. They tell me that short people get full faster and look at me with confusion when I vent about how little I get to eat. That is only true to a certain extent. With calorie dense foods that taste deliocus, I don't get full when I should. It feels natural to overeat by 100s of calories per meal. People just don't get that. Satiaty/ appetite and body size are not at all a direct correlation in the face of calorie dense food.