Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@johnjs37 Most people don't understand this. They're like "Oh but short people don't need as many calories." That doesn't mean a tiny amount of food is filling for me! I'm not a child, I have the same appetite as other adults. I have a child-size body but an adult-size appetite. It's like people expect us to feel full after just a few bites of food, like a 6-year-old.
@johnjs37 it’s fine when i’m alone and cooking at home

but it is really frustrating when it comes to social events/ going out etc

like i don’t have the wiggle room to have a couple cocktails at a bar every weekend or a couple high calorie hors derves at an event

the burger and fries is often more than my daily calories so even one meal out with omad is too much
@johnjs37 I tried MacroFactor after stalling at 180 lbs for 3 months and it set me at a new limit of 800 cal/day, much lower than the -normal- recommended. I finally started losing weight. :/ 5'1" btw.

I think the frustrating part us how easily you can meet that goal in one meal without trying. I can do OMAD no problem, but yes in company, especially at work or with friends, having to refuse shared food and offerings because you already met your limit for the day gets exhausting.
@johnjs37 I don't get that sad about it. No one in life is dealt a perfect hand.

There could be far worse crosses to bear.

And I'm not trying to be mean....but victim mentality type thinking will rob you of the joy from the positive traits you do have.

Abundance thinking. There are some great things about being petite. I honestly love being flat chested (non a petite thing, but turning a normal negative to a positive) maybe you have great hair or skin?

That said, I run 30+ miles a week, swim a few times, walk my dog and have a job on my feet.

At nearly 50 I am 5', 130 lbs with a ton of muscle and eat at least 2500 calories a day.

Part of it is to eat a lot t. Thats actuallu how my lifestyle started (in my early 30s) but now its because how it makes me feel.
@johnjs37 Every. Single. Day.

And honestly, the serving size being based on 2000 cal, and all that is sexism.

At least where I live in the US, the average woman is 5’3”. Average. That means lots of women are shorter than that.

Furniture, counter height, vehicles, looooots of things are not designed for women even though we make up half the population.

Don’t even get me started on pharmaceuticals testing.
@johnjs37 I get what you mean, you described it very well. Tho, I don’t experience food and eating like that, it’s just something I have to do to survive. I’ve always left food on the plate if it was too much for me. I eat slowly and am mindful of when my stomach is telling me it’s enough. I’m not a fan of feeling full, so I stop before that happens😅
@johnjs37 I’m struggling with this one immensely. I’m 5’1, and if I don’t exercise I only can have 1400 calories a day. So I’m staring down the fact that I have to workout forever from here essentially to eat at close to 2000. Or eat at 1400 which is just sad.
I came down from 268lbs in the last year and I’ve reached this plateau here at 134 because there’s so little difference in my deficit (1200) and what my tdee naturally is. I’m just sad at this point. I love food 😞
@jenniferlee I hear you. I lost weight and that part is sad. The good news is, it is no harder to maintain your goal weight than your current weight, it’s so few calories difference, so when you finally do get there, you will already have the skills to stay there. Congratulations on your success so far!
@rossylisy Thank you! That’s encouraging. I’m trying to shave off the 4lbs and go into maintenance at 130 while working on toning up and have another cut at the beginning of next year. Just hoping I can bump my tdee up some.
@johnjs37 This is a bizarre point of view. Do you not realize that shorter women build muscle a lot faster than tall girls? And that if you want to increase your daily caloric intake, just walk more....lift weights. Move your body
@johnjs37 I just hate that I HAVE to track my food if I want to include all the food groups even if I’m just trying to maintain because if I don’t I will gain for sure. The margin of error for us leaves very little room for inaccuracies and that’s just a hard reality to accept. If all I ate was produce and lean protein that’d be a different story but doing that lead me to losing a third or more of my hair. I’m just sick of needing a damn food scale for 85-90% of the things I eat.
@johnjs37 Yes, I get frustrated and when I try to voice it, they invalidate it by saying well we still feel hungry even if we can eat more. It's like nah man, we eat kiddie size meals and still that kiddie meal is my daily calorie intake allowance.
@johnjs37 You’re not robbed. You just need smaller portions. Literally that’s all there is to it.

I had Crumbl Cookies a couple of weeks ago and had a sample of every. Single. Flavor. I didn’t over-indulge, I tracked the cals, still hit my deficit and felt amazing.

You’ll get to a point where you stomach and brain will tell you it’s enough.

I haven’t not had any foods I love, I just eat them in moderation. So my portions are smaller? So am I. And I’m still badass.