Does anyone else feel like they look incredibly stupid at the gym?

@crucisdecristo I definitely feel this, especially at the beginning I had a feeling that everyone was looking at me (not true at all- no one cares what you're up to unless you're hogging an equipment LOL). I think wearing headphones, blasting my music, and trying to focus on my form rather than people watching helped. Honestly though it just comes with time, going to the gym will become second nature to you soon enough :)
@crucisdecristo When I see others doing floor exercises and running around to each machine purposefully, I think “get it, girl! (Or guy). I’ve been that crazy gal who runs from machine to machine, and does odd exercises on the floor. I assume others think I’m passionate about exercising! I legit only judge others when they sit on a machine and talk/text on the phone (use it for a chair for social hour).
@pathofphanuel YES as a fellow gym goer (not now with the rona though) I only look and judge others when it comes to wasting time on the equipment, or hogging two machines at once! That really drives me crazy. Basically if you’re not following proper gym etiquette you’re going to be judged and it’s for good reason.
@crucisdecristo I totally relate to this. Especially during conditioning agility drills like shuffling. Yesterday I needed to do this workout in my program that literally had like fake three pointer jump squats.

The only way to get over it is make your workout so intense all you care about is getting it done and working hard. Then you won’t give a shit about how you look because you’re about to drop dead.
@crucisdecristo I'm a sweater. I just have to look at a treadmill and I start sweating, like, dripping. I'm still super self-conscious about it, and that's not even factoring in the fact I'm still a novice when it comes to gym stuff.

I guess my mantra is: 'I'm doing what I came here for, everyone starts somewhere, if they're laughing at me then they're pricks'.

If that doesn't work I pretend that I can't see anyone else and they can't see me.
@lamardiaz Off topic, but when I read your first sentence, my first thought was that you were pretending to be a sweater as in the garment and that your comment was going to come from the perspective of said garment. Something like “I’m a five-pronged fork and have always felt awkward in the cutlery drawer.”
@lamardiaz I used to sweat EXCESSIVELY. Like a ridiculous amount, just from existing. I told my doctor about it and they diagnosed me with hyperhidrosis and put me on meds that helped a lot.

Not sure if you meant you just sweat a lot with exercise or if you're interested in medication but I know I at least didn't know anything could be done about it and have been happy ever since.
@whisperingword I've been to the doctor about it before. It's not as severe as that - probably a mild case but not worth medicating, they say. I just have to wear almost nothing in the summer and put up with carrying a towel in the gym to mop myself up. I'm glad that the meds helped, I know even a mild case has been super embarrassing for me in the past. I had a child point it out on the subway once.
@lamardiaz I can get pretty sweaty too, and incredibly red-faced. I guess even though I’m small now, I imagine everybody seeing me as “that” girl— the chubby, red faced, cant-breathe, sweaty kid that is struggling to keep up.
@crucisdecristo I mean, I am "that" girl (chubby, red-faced, can't-breathe, sweaty) and there isn't any shame in it. I let this way of thinking stop me from exercising and getting fit for yeaaars, which imo is way worse than being the chubby, red-faced, can't-breathe, sweaty girl.

Idk, when I was younger I was always worried about what people thought when they saw me exercising, but as I got older something that really helped me was the realization that if another person was thinking assholeish thoughts about the way I looked while I was exercising, that was more of a reflection on them (they're an asshole) than me (taking care of my body). Just keep doing your thing! You're clearly doing well 💕
@soldier777 i really loved this! im the same, red and sweaty.
if i let it bother me i’d freeze myself from progress. i just let it be. funny how everyone’s self conscious of the others sweating ability
@crucisdecristo I get super red faced too because I’m really pale and I’m always self conscious that it makes me look out of shape and struggling to keep up, so I totally relate to that. I think if you’ve ever been overweight, you have “fat brain” for life and it’s really hard to overcome the idea that everyone is looking and laughing at you.

But based on what I see in this thread and elsewhere, everyone’s got some specific thing they feel embarrassed about at the gym. You just gotta put it out of your mind and worry about yourself- people are busy being preoccupied with their own workouts, and like others have pointed out, everyone looks stupid at the gym anyway.
@lamardiaz Tbh seeing very sweaty people at the gym makes me feel self conscious. On some level I feel like they’re actually pushing themselves physically and I’m just the novice who doesn’t know what she’s doing and isn’t getting as good of a workout.
@tuffbunny I feel that! When i first got into working out, I'd go with a friend who sweat a ton, and I barely at all. Made me very self-conscious, as I felt like i wasn't pushing myself hard enough.

Now i try not to worry about it as much - just feel annoyance that it's the worst in my pits, cleavage and crotch lol
@lamardiaz Although I logically know that sweat is not necessarily an indicator of a 'good' workout, I thought I'd let you know that I tend to look at people who are pouring sweat and think "damn they are kicking ass today!" 💪🏻
@lamardiaz Hehe, one time I ran a couple miles as a warm-up and then was in the classroom doing some bodyweight exercises when an older lady came in and asked me about what class was next. I said I didn't know and then she took a look at me and was like "boy, you've sure worked up a sweat." I didn't even let it make me feel bad, I was just like "yep I was on the treadmill."

And then she left and I judged her. Like wtf, I realize not everyone has to sweat to have a good workout, but is it really so surprising to you that someone would get sweaty at the gym that you need to comment on it?! Get the f outta here, lady.