Encouragement for B shaped belly

I am 5.1 SW:240s CW:178. Early 30s. I am just looking for a little bit of encouragement. I have a B shaped belly and while I am really proud of my weight loss. I just feel really frustrated. I don’t know any one else with the same shaped belly. I’ve always been super embarrassed about it.

I wanna feel proud of my body. But even though my hips, boobs and legs have significantly lost inches. My stomach has pretty much stayed the same. Honestly I feel like it’s even more obvious because my hips and boobs have gotten smaller. Lately I’ve been living in leggings. But I have some events coming up and I was trying on new clothing. I just feel like nothing looks right. I am going to keep going and hopefully the shape won’t be as obvious.

Does anyone else have similar experience or shape that can offer me encouragement?
@raisingarrowsmama I can relate! I am 4’11’’ 116, still have my B shape. Had it at my smallest in high school 20 years ago at 95lbs.

I’ve been working out my arms and shoulders more to balance out my wider hips and B belly. I also look for clothes with shoulder/collar detail to draw the eye up.

You said yourself: you lost significant inches. And you’re going to keep going. Be proud!! That’s amazing work that you’ve put into yourself!
@raisingarrowsmama I judge my body based on my stomach, so I know how it feels to be discouraged from weight loss but feel like "nothing has changed." From personal experience, I am happiest when I, well, empty my bowels, and least happy when I haven't for a couple of days, regardless of the weight I am at.

What I've learned from this realization is that no one else looks at my belly the way I do, nor do they judge me based on its shape or size. I feel "fat" in certain clothes because my stomach isn't the perfect shape but honestly I don't think anyone even notices. I also want a flat stomach because that's what Instagram and social media has taught me is beautiful, but I am starting to realize that regardless of how much weight I lose (unless I get really, really lean which I am not willing to do), the general shape of my body won't change. I've learned to just accept my stomach the way it is - imperfect. The expectation for myself to have a body part shaped a particular way is unrealistic because well, my body is just gonna be shaped whatever way it is right now and my pining for a certain shape is actually wanting a different body which is physically impossible.

Hopefully this helps.
@raisingarrowsmama I have the same issue…. I’m wondering if it’s related to me having PCOS, or other issues. It’s probably genetic, but I also have EDS and tons of other heath anomalies. Even when I was underweight and had NO FAT on my body, it didn’t go away. I think we have to embrace it as much as we can ❤️