Reached 53.4 KG but Still Have Belly Fat

@sunshine4jesus43 Haha that's like my dad back when he was in a communist nation that didn't believe in feeding it's people...

I'm 185cm or so, and weigh around 66kg(145-147lbs)...and I look pretty skinny lol, 53kg(120lbs how ever much that is) was me in highschool back when I was heavy in calistentics/parkour

Looking at pictures from then...could see my ribs front and back sorta(when bent over quite clear), my knees looked knobby etc etc...was pretty darn underweight
@typingsound At 175cm, when you were at 53.4kg, you have a BMI of 17.3 which is considered underweight. At 58.2kg, you have a BMI of 19 which is considered healthy.

The belly fat in your pictures is perfectly healthy. It does not look unattractive, bad, or unhealthy at all. Your thoughts about your visible belly fat is concerning and may indicate body dysmorphia issues which is not healthy at all. Please reconsider how you think about your body. You look great and an extreme focus on your weight & how your body looks will cause issues in your self-esteem and life. If you are consistently struggling with these types of thoughts, please see a professional mental health provider for help.
@sandycheeks123 I am 174 and when only did cycling and was my leanest point I was around 74kg with mostly leg muscles. Now 20 years later I am doing bodyweight training and over 90kg (48M), but still not feel overweight - but definitely a lot of belly fat - with the current muscle mass probably couldn't go below 80 without losing from it significantly. I think a sporty male easily be over 70, 60 sounds like skinny to me.

My next year target is 85kg.
@sandycheeks123 Thank you for the compliment. I don't think I have body dysmorphia, but I appreciate your comment. I just look very different to how I did in June and I find it hard to judge how I look compared to before. I know it's unhealthy to be too focused on how I look, as I have a friend who's had this problem and I've been supporting him with that.
@typingsound You don't think you have, but the way you talk about your body indicates that you might have it. Takes a strong mind to admit you might have a problem. Worth thinking about!
@typingsound Idk why they are trying to cushion your ego. I get what your issue is with your physique around that area. Im no expert but posture and body composition takes more time than losing/gaining. If you fill up more space around the torso with muscles and give the body more time to change I would assume the issue resolves.
Hi, I just wanted to post a follow-up message because I got an alert from Reddit that somebody had reported a concern about me.

I'd like to sincerely apologise if my post panicked people. I don't think I have body dysmorphia, but I appreciate the concerns. I actually have a friend who suffered from it to the point he started abusing steroids to look "perfect". I supported him with his recovery.

I admit that I was very sensitive about having belly fat in the past. I've worked really hard on my programme and I was only concerned that I'd failed to do something correctly. I also look very different to how I did six months ago and sometimes it's hard for me to believe it, stupid as that sounds.

I just want to reassure anyone who reads this that I'm living a healthy life including eating healthily and not obsessing about the way I look. My trainer monitors my weight every week and makes sure it is increasing. My aim with doing my programme was always to be happier in myself and not please other people.

I will take the advice I've been given about continuing to increase my weight and doing more strength training. I'd like to lose what I now know is loose skin, so any tips would be appreciated. If I have to live with it that's fine, I definitely don't want to have surgery!

Sincere apologies again.
@typingsound Bro out of love and with respect, don’t be so sure you don’t have body dysmorphia. I recommending seeing a specialist about it. You clearly put a lot into your physical health, it can’t hurt to invest some into your mental health while you’re at it.
@typingsound The pictures you see of ridiculously well defined abs are the result of extreme diet and deliberate dehydration. It isn’t healthy or safe to try and look like that all the time.
@typingsound Sorry dear, this may not be what you want to hear but this could be an issue more with body dysmorphia than lifting. You look great! Don’t be influenced by the photoshop or unhealthy fakes that are all about posing.
@clewis Thank you for the compliment. I don't think I have body dysmorphia, but I appreciate your comment. I just look very different to how I did in June and I find it hard to judge how I look compared to before.
@tanwsg He’s worried about belly fat being “unhealthy”, Jesus. 53kg was the size of my 5’3 ex-gf when she was 17 and I thought she was skinny back then.