Extremely weak back after 9 months of gym


New member
So I(21,male) started going to the gym about 9 months ago, frequently 4-6 times/week, with no big breaks

First 3 months i did PPL then switched to Arnold Split.. i seem to enjoy it more

I basically started from 0, i was not even able to do 1 simple push up.. and in most exercises and muscle groups i progressed alot

Beanch press 30kg 10 reps to 50kg 10 reps(can do 20 push ups now)
Incline - from 12kg dumbbels, to 22-24kg
Bicep curls - from 7.5 kg/arm to 16kg/arm
Shoulder dumbbel press, from 7.5kg to 20kg/arm
also got alot of progress in triceps, lat raises, legs

But my back.. thats another story.. most of the times i cant even feel it when working out.. just feel it a bit sore the next morning

my lat pulldowns barely grew from 39 10 reps to 48 10 reps in 9 months, the same thing with most back exercises, only a 20-25% growth in 9 months of gym

and as a bonus, i always feel my arms tearing apar when trying to force more reps on back exercises, always the arms dying out first, unable to exhaust my back, and i hate doing back(dont understand why so many people like it, its my least favourite muscle group to work out)

any advice?
@stoder Change your grip and cable attachments. Sounds like whatever you are doing is targeting your biceps more than your back. Lower the weight a little as well, try to focus on that muscle connection during your rep to fully concentrate on your back muscles. For example, during your lat pull down, try different handles, go wider grip, see how it feels, then try a closer grip. Depending on your arm length etc., one will target more your biceps than the other.

When pulling the bar, imagine you are trying to pull it on each side at the same time, as if you are trying to bring your elbows down but also pushing them "away" from the bar, all while bringing it down. This will make for better back contractions and target your lats even more.

Also, try a Thumbless grip instead of a closed thumb grip. This is day and night for back exercises and will spare your forearms and arms during back day.
@henyo All of this! With grip, I use my 4 fingers as a hook essentially. Completely taking my thumbs out of the equation and not wrapping my fingers around. Try not to throw your body around as well. Slow movements under control.
@stoder Start with lat activation exercises with thera bands, loops- basically rehab based exercises for lat activation. Add lats- mobilization, strengthening and stretching.

Try single joint lat exercises that'll eliminate biceps!