Finally managed to rep 100lbs on dips (170lbs b/w)


New member
Been a pretty long road but it’s all cool. Once I managed to rep about 50~ dips on one set I finally bought a belt and started adding weight and strength just exploded. In about two months I’ve gone from 25 to 100lbs weighted dips, though I’ve kinda stalled here. Next goal is body weight dips!

Alright edit for the mods.

Stats: M/20yo/5’9/170lbs~/body fat prob 12-15~

Diet: steady 500~ caloric surplus cuz it’s winter bulking season. Mostly oatmeal, and rice and chicken with the occasional 20 nuggets order when I can’t get my calories otherwise.

Routine: none really. Doing smolov for legs now because they look laughable compared to my upper body. Weighted dips/pull ups 3x a week trying to max out every time then a lot of back off sets.
@yuliza I’m kinda confident I can get three plates now at least once, cuz I managed to rep this for two sets. But it’s all cool, I usually get some stares for pull ups with two plates, cant wait to get to three there as well. It’s an awesome motivational boost. Pity that I still can’t do a damn planche though.
@jb77 Just be careful when you start going that heavy. If you feel any tightness in the chest call it a day. Some years back I tore the costal cartilage in my chest/ribs doing heavy weighted dips and it took about a year to fully recover. Nice work though, your form looks great.
@jb77 Good on you for being patient. I was in my early 30's before I wasn't maxing out at nearly every workout.

I do three on my heavy days and am sticking there until I can get two sets of 5 reps. Still pretty far from a planche too...
@zee1 Thanks dude. Feels great considering a year ago I was a skinny 135lbs kid and I’ve only been able to afford a gym membership for about three months now.