Finally managed to rep 100lbs on dips (170lbs b/w)

@jb77 very nice dude! i'm just starting to go to the gym and recently started doing dips i'm 135 lbs and i can barely do 15 reps with a rubber band assisting me 😂
@gia4christ yes even after the first month i lost some fat (which i didn't know i had any) and gained muscle mass and a couple of pounds. hopefully results will be even better in a month cuz i also started watching my food and eating more in general.
@rekrap if you can do 15 reps with bands on, its time to take the band off. do as many quality reps (leaving 1-2 in the tank), finish the set of 8 or however many with the band on

look to increase the number of unassisted dips every week or two :) progress smartly and gradually, don't rush it :) stay safe!!
@jb77 I’m 155 and have done 90lbs dips in the past. But when I did it it kind of hurt my joints, do you run into this issue? I figured I was probably shooting above what my muscles can handle and in fact developed an acute injury in the elbow a month later, which turned into a chronic issue, but not sure if they were related.
@jb77 Solid reps! Would you mind sharing a bit more details of your upper body routine. You mentioned dips and pull-ups three times a week, but how many sets/reps and do you also do all of them weighted?
@frances6098 No prob. I’m a huge fan of piramid workouts because it lets me max out every time while still having a lot of volume to grow. I usually do a non weighted warm up set, of like ten reps.

Then I start with weights at 35lbs and move up ten pounds every set repping 5. Once I reach the max weight I can comfortably rep 3-5, then I do back off sets of 5-8, going down 10lbs until I reach 35lbs. I do the exact same for pull ups, because my max pull up reps is the same or maybe 10lbs less than dips.

So it would be like:

35lbs by 5

45lbs by 5

55lbs by 5, etc till

100lbs by 5, then

90lbs by 5

80lbs by 5 and so on till back at 35

If I get super tired then sometimes less reps or I jump between weights etc.
@frances6098 Not in terms of reps. I do try to go to failure on sets. Like, I don’t try to to 12+ reps till failure in one set, but I do try to do as many sets I can of 3-5 heavy as I can.