First time gym anxiety

@freekevio I felt the same when I first went to the gym. My advice would be to just do the things you know how to use, for example, the treadmill. After time, you will get to know and trust the staff and you’ll meet a few people or get invited to a class. No need to jump into something complicated straight from the start.
@freekevio Start super early in the morning and build relationships.

Then, if you show up at noon, and someone is inappropriate, you can have them tossed.

You would be surprised how many people are on your side.

Skinny people and people in shape should be able to get in and out and get what they need done.

I walk down to the beach and swim a few miles. I don't need a gym.

But, people who are not in shape, they are the ones who need the support.

When I do go to a gym, I start super early to build relationships.
@freekevio I’m sorry you are feeling this way, but I understand. To not worry about people talking to you, hearing other people try keeping your headphones in and listening loudly to music. After your first time at the gym you will feel a lot more comfortable, but be kind to yourself on your first time. Go around slowly and try different things, I also always stop to look at the machine and figure out how to use it when I go to a new place. You can and should do the same! In the end, I totally sympathize with how you feel, but something I’ve learned over the years is that other people don’t care about criticizing us as much as we think they will - most people are too focused on themselves. But I think this could be a great thing for you - good luck!
@freekevio Maybe get a buddy? If not I think you should go earlier in the morning or later in the evening, I’ve been going for 3 months now and that anxiety quickly disappears. Consider some nice headphones with noise cancelling. Find a good podcast or something to think about. This will take your anxiety thoughts away and gym will loosen up and just become the norm eventually
@freekevio Look for group classes near your area. Its a gem if you are scared of embarrassment. Mostly beginners join these classes as its not enough for someone with years of experience.
@freekevio You shouldn't be embarrassed or intimidated. We all had to start at the beginning. Slap on a pair of headphones, hit your lifts, and don't worry about what those around you think.
@freekevio Keep in mind that different gyms have different cultures. In Arizona, specifically the Phoenix-Metropolitan area, LA Fitness / Esporta gyms have more of a laid back vibe. Eos has annoying crowd, but better equipment. At the EoS gyms it seems to be a lot of hardcore steroid users mixed with the "cool" kids. Bass Pro hats, Nike Blazers, dangling cross earrings, tripods for TikTok videos, etc. If you have access to a 24/7 gym that allows you to get in with a key fob any time you want, that is what I would recommend. Your concerns are valid. I don't think anyone is going to outright make fun of you, though. If that happens you definitely need to tell the manager.

Also, before you go in: Have a plan! Something like this for example: Today I'm going to do 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.2 mph and then strength train my chest and triceps. Plan on doing the chest press machine for four sets, tricep pushdown for four sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set and find a weight that allows you to perform between eight and twelve reps. This is a super basic example but yes make sure you have a plan before you enter the gym.
@freekevio I would join fitness classes at first. You may need to look for a gym that has them. The are mostly women and a great place to learn. The morning ones at my gym are full of women.
@freekevio I work at a gym and have been a member there for years before I started working there. Please trust me when I say that 99% of gym goers will only be thinking that they wish you well.
You have no reason to be embarrassed when you're in the exact place that will get you into shape.
It would be more embarrassing to be in line at an All you can eat food buffet.

It can seem intimidating but everyone started at the beginning and everyone at the gym has been where you are or are where you are.

Best wishes to you. You've got this.
@freekevio I'd recommend starting when its quieter in your Gym. Normally peak times tend to be after 5pm on weekdays so I'd avoid that. Some Gyms with apps actually show the current amount of people in there so that can help provide a decent guide.

Headphones are your ally. They not only form a distraction but kinda put you in your own little world where you're not focusing on others. Speaking of, the majority of people are doing the same and will generally be far more invested in what they're doing rather than those around them.

It is completely natural to feel self conscious there and you'll feel that for a few visits. One thing that helped me was starting with just the machines and watching youtube videos on how to use them. That way there's less margin for error and I didnt want to look like I didn't know what I was doing.

Hell, I'd even recommend maybe starting with a couple of cardio sessions, where you just stick to a treadmill or bike. That way you're not moving too much around the gym and can just get used to the enviroment and being there.

Hope it all goes well for you.