Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

@fbv5024 I do a similar schedule though I usually do 4 days climbing and 3-4 days running. I’m curious how you program your workouts throughout the week with 2 rest days!
@acco340 Knee pain is interestingly complex. I went to a physical therapist for a reason unrelated to my knee. While there I learned a lot about my knee that has hurt for so many years that I accepted it as a sad fact of life. Turns out I was wrong. I just needed a little time with a really good physical therapist.

First, if you’re over 40, you’re going to need appropriate warm up time and stretching. It’s a physiological necessity, unfortunately, because our connective tissues lose elasticity. It’s boring and time consuming but what ya gonna do? 40 is not the new 20. That’s a lie. 😂

Second, I had to build strength in my glutes (big time in the glutes—super important!) and quads slowly and with light weight at first (clamshells with no band to make it harder—that’s how light we are talking). I’ve worked my way up to clamshells and other exercises with a band, but it took about a month or so.

Third, if you don’t have a major tear (MCL, ACL), knee pain is either fixable or reduced to manageable (my knee pain is caused by poor tracking in my knee cap likely from wear due to being very active—joints wear out, right? See above about being over 40. 😂

Is it possible to do a few sessions with a physical therapist who can check your joints and tracking? They can give you some excellent true beginners exercises too. Highly recommended!
@soul_tsunami Yes! Someone with a similar workout routine! Everyone else's makes me feel like I should step up my game lol. But I don't have a goal just have a fun& be healthy.
@acco340 I aim for 3 days of lifting, 2 days of running, and 1-2 days of climbing (bouldering, I'm a real beginner) with 1-2 days of rest. I never double up lifting and running.

Monday: Run (30 minutes, slow pace) or rest

Tuesday: Lift (I follow GZCLP, which usually takes me about 45 minutes. 5x3 heavy compound lift, 3x10 lighter compound lift, 3x15 of 1-2 accessories. I walk to and from the gym, so that doubles as my warmup.)

Wednesday: Run (30 minutes, slow pace), plus climbing if I can get my act together (usually pretty brief -- 30-40 minutes bouldering)

Thursday: Lift (same as above)

Friday: Run (30 minutes, slow pace) if I didn't run Monday; otherwise rest

Saturday/Sunday: One lifting session (nonnegotiable), one climbing session (if I can), and a run if I haven't run twice that week yet. Sometimes I hike.

I've been lifting since June, running for ~10 years (usually casually, and with some long breaks), and bouldering since September.

I worked up to this schedule pretty gradually, and it's kind of surprising to type it out because it looks way more active than I consider myself being! I also walk a lot and am trying to do 15-20 min on the exercise bike some mornings (I exercise at night).

My runs are very low intensity and at a pace and distance that's comfortable for me; this adds up to 5-6 miles per week. Now that I'm trying to climb twice a week instead of once every 7-10 days, it's also more likely that I end up missing a workout here and there -- either climbing twice and running once, or running twice and climbing once.

I need at least one day of solid rest/active recovery (walking, yoga, nothing else) and sometimes two. I'm getting better at telling the difference between "I don't wanna" and "wow my body is exhausted."
@acco340 On a good week (where no appointments clash) I do the following.

2 daily walks with the dog (sometimes we run)

Mon- aerobics class and a workout in the gym

Tue- Swim (150 lengths mainly backstroke)
sometimes I might hit the gym beforehand

Wed- 1 hour training with a p/t and aerobics class

Thur- Swim (150 lengths again mainly backstroke)

Fri- Workout in the gym sometimes I might jump in the pool for a few lengths

Sat and Sun are my rest days as I spend that with my children

I did used to do a yoga session on a Monday too but meant leaving my pup for too long on her own so hit that on the head for now.

The workouts in the gym consist of 20-30 minutes on the treadmill (10 minute jog to warm up and then hitt intervals at a high speed). I then do a mixture of resistance, weights,and exercises (crunches, squats, planks etc) I’m happy to add my full list in a comment if that will help.

Definitely do warm ups and stretching before and after each workout you do that will make a big difference and also try and include some more protein into your diet as that will help with muscle repair. Swimming is low impact so may be worth looking into that or perhaps even aqua aerobics if you feel you are overdoing it with your lower body. Yoga is really good too and depending on the class you can burn a good few calories doing it.
@coldflame Thx! I think the warmup and stretching are key and I’ve definitely been neglecting them. Also think I’ve been doing too many exercises on my leg days and with no rest with cardio (exercise bike) in between I think it’s all just been quite taxing on my knees especially as a beginner
@acco340 I would try and remember at least to add in the stretches I sometimes forget myself it’s so easily done.

Yes it sounds like your doing too much and it would be better to give your legs a break in between.

Also it may be worth investing in sports massages. I’ve just started having one every 2 weeks (I’d have one every week if I could afford it) and they really do help with any tension or aches.
@acco340 Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Cardio (Right now it's cycling and I do roughly 8 miles)

Wednesday - Weight Lifting (I do a full body routine and am currently on a cut, so my sets are bit less than normal)

Thursday - Cardio (Same as Tuesday)

Friday - Weight Lifting (Same as Wednesday, but I alternate between A and B days)

Saturday - Cardio (Longer cycling, between 10 and 12 miles)

Sunday - Weight Lifting

All my weight lifting sessions are just under an hour and my cycling is 35min or more depending on the day. My weight lifting routine is a mix of compound lifts and supplements and generally hits everywhere on my body with a bit more emphasis on legs. My cardio used to be running, but due to knee problems I had to swap to cycling.
@acco340 I ride my bike to work each day, about 15 minutes each way. On my way home from work, I stop by the gym and do 45 minutes of strength training. My workouts are usually compound movements, and I alternate upper and lower body. Usually something comes up or I don't feel like working out on a particular day, so I average 4 days a week at the gym. It feels good to have this level of activity as part of my daily routine. On the weekends I might do some yoga or mobility work.
@acco340 Prior to my pregnancy I was doing 3x 60-75min whole body weight lifting sessions (progressive overload, aiming to hit each body part with 10-20 sets per week). Active stretching and warming up before each session. I’d also try to hit 8-10000 steps most days OR swap it out for a swim. Yoga maybe once a week.
@acco340 I usually attend a pole or aerial class 5 or 6 days per week. Each class is an hour and 15 minutes long with 15 minutes of dedicated stretching at the beginning of class. The type of fitness I do is full body, body weight every session. There is an inherent focus on core and back in my activity.
@acco340 Are you doing any upper body workouts? Replacing 1-2 cardio days with upper body lifting will not only reduce the stress on your knees a little but also help round out the lower body work!
I am currently doing 2 upper body days and 2 lower body days with 15-30 minutes of cardio after at least two of those lifts, and dedicated cardio and mobility days once or twice a week when I’m not lifting
@philip2uk I am not other than a tiny bit of core really. I already have some upper body muscle and my legs are definitely less developed so I want to focus on lower body to round it out
@acco340 I don’t think that’s recommended but I have 0 credentials so take everything I say with a grain of salt! If you want to continue only working lower body, core, and cardio, maybe replace a workout to dedicate for just core and stretching/mobility work to give your knees a break and also help recover from exercise better. I’ve worked out with and without stretching and giving time for mobility and I highly recommend it!
@philip2uk Seconding this. Again not professional, but according to the professional I work with, the whole body is interconnected. Having balance between connected parts does a lot for injury prevention and management. I would add back in some upper body work, less for muscle development and more for even strength and coordination between muscles. Main things that come to mind are some sort of row, an overhead press, a lat exercise and a chest exercise. Core you are already doing, so that's sorted, unless it's only abs in which case I'd say add something like a superman or back extension. Core wraps around your whole torso front and back.
@philip2uk That’s actually what I was thinking plus fewer exercises on my strength training days because I think I’ve been doing them past the point of effectiveness and adding too much strain on my body so I think I’ll give it a shot!