Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

@singer1959 I really think that’s it. Muscles are fine but too much too quick for my joints and frame. Think I’m gonna drop from 60-90 min workouts to 30 min workouts with more stretching and warming up and do less cardio and see how I feel then go from there. I’m really afraid of knee injury bc I hear it takes forever and I love exercising and knees are really important for that obviously
@acco340 Agreed and same! I've already cut back in the last week and I think it's helping. Hopefully over time our knees will get acclimated/strengthen and we'll be able to work up to the intensity our muscles can handle. Or if that's not it, I feel like pulling back is always safer than pushing through (which is what I've historically done, with horrible results). Good luck, I'm rooting for your knee health!
@acco340 Currently doing Stronger by Science 2.0 strength program five days per week in preparation for a powerlifting meet later this spring. I also do vinyasa yoga 1x per week and will start to do moderate intensity cardio 1-2x per week once the weather gets a bit better.
@acco340 Pre-COVID I was doing strength trying 4x/week and HIIT (strength-based) 1-2x/week. Since COVID I’ve had to work from home. Since last year I’ve been doing Caroline Girvan’s stuff (5 days/week). Recently I’m trying to get back into swimming 2x/week.
@acco340 M-F: some combination of yoga, weights, Pilates, or cycling. Also Ballet class 1X week, and I teach mat Pilates 2X week.

Sat, Sun: rest days

I work out anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour; if I'm short on time I do weights, if I have time to kill I cycle or do Yoga for an hour+.

My preferred exercise, and true love, is Pilates.

I warm up and cool down for every session, I'd like to think my warm ups and cool downs are the reason I've been injury free for 13 years.
@acco340 I get pretty bad knee pain when I do a lot of lower body work and don’t stretch. Even adding in some easy squats to my warmup can give me issues if I don’t make sure to stretch and roll out my quads and hamstrings properly. Now everyone is a little different, but it may be worth making sure you’ve got adequate flexibility training in your workout schedule.

And consider seeing a physical therapist if it keeps getting worse.
@acco340 Stretch stretch stretch!

If I don’t stretch everyday when working out, inevitably something’s going to be hurting. Over the years, I’ve found the body works in interesting ways so what presents as knee pain is actually caused by my tight quads or sciatic nerve.
@acco340 2 days a week of low HR (zone 2) run/walk with the goal of becoming more efficient

2 days a week of strength training vis the RISE program from Lauren and Jason Pak

That leaves me enough time for recovery thought the week and 1 outside activity on the weekend (snowshoeing, hiking, biking, etc)
@acco340 current routine:

M: lower body

T: chest and shoulders

W: lower body

R: active rest (usually just walking on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes)

F: back and biceps

S: either full body or rock-climbing

S: full rest

usually my lifting days take 45-60 minutes, and I always do a little bit of core each day. I also walk my dog for about 30 minutes each day. this routine has been really good for me so far!
@acco340 I always squat, deadlift, and hip thrust! then I add a couple of other movements each day, such as hyperextensions, deficit lunges, gluteus medius kickbacks, or bulgarian split squats if I’m feeling masochistic.

I’ve honestly had really great growth and strength gains, but I’ve also only been lifting since september. so I think I’m still getting some “newbie gains.”
@acco340 I started from completely, barely 2000 steps a day, sedentary. Right now I run ~20-25 mpw, strength train for 90-120 minutes 4x a week, and do yoga daily. During the summer I'm more active, probably more like 30-40 mpw with some cycling thrown in. But it took probably a year and a half of really consistent and slow base building to get this this point. I spent probably 3 years before that stuck in a 'go from 0-100, get injured, recover for months, repeat' cycle.
@acco340 I run 4-5 days a week and rock climb 2-3 days a week.

Last year I set really high goals for myself and worked out 6 days a week with 2 doubles. But toward the end of the year I was not putting in 100% and didn’t feel like I was improving. This year I’ve been taking two full days off per week and I already feel better and strong and faster.