Fitness routine while traveling


New member
Hello all! I am road tripping with family for 4 weeks and would love tips on a fitness routine.

I am 24 F 130lbs.

Feb to April, I did HIIT and random weight stuff. Finally decided to structure my strength routine and have been doing Stronglifts 5x5 with no HIIT for the last 6 weeks.

From Feb till now, I have gained a kilo of muscle and a kilo of fat. The goal is to lose fat without losing my gains.

Should I just do 30 mins HIIT everyday? Go on a 45 min run? Do X squats and X pushups etc?

@lumenlight I just got back from RV-ing with family and honestly, I could’ve done better keeping fit. However, here are some things that worked for me:

Get up early and hike (or run). I’m a big biker and was usually camping in places with trails. Since my family isn’t as active, I would get up before them and then be back in time to enjoy a yummy breakfast.

Take advantage of that weird pent up energy you get sitting in the car and try to raise your heart rate whenever you stop for breaks. High knees, jumping jacks, whatever. It’ll feel really good after being cooped up.

Mind your road snacks. Try to avoid empty carbs because you’ll want to snack mindlessly. I had a cooler in the truck cab that I kept stocked with carrots, grapes, and iced coffee to keep me from wanting to grab chips at gas stations.

I’d recommend just taking any opportunity to be active, and maybe looking into some body weight exercises for when you’re out of the car. Good luck, and safe travels!
@lumenlight I do Fitness Blender workouts and run mostly. If you're staying in hotels they may have gyms, or many gyms do day passes. Sometimes I treat myself to a gym day pass when I'm really missing the gym.
@lumenlight Whenever I'm on vacation and have tight space in the hotel or vacation condo, I do the following workout:

5 min warmup of walking/jogging in place/jumping jacks, and a few stretches

25 pulsing squats

25 leg lifts to the back

25 pulsing squats

25 leg lifts to the back

25 push-ups

25 crunches

25 push-ups

25 crunches

1 min of cardio (jogging in place, jumping jacks)

Repeat the above exercises for a total of 4 rounds (200 total reps of each exercise)

5 min cool down/stretch

This usually takes me about 30 min or so.
@lumenlight It’s entirely up to you.

For a 4 week trip I personally wouldn’t bother. I find I get plenty of walking in whilst traveling and try to stay mindful about what I’m eating and drinking. I travel to enjoy myself not to stress about weight loss.
@lumenlight I've found that writing down a few short workouts before I leave has helped me! Then depending on the day I can pick and choose one of them. I make sure they're short (15-20mins) otherwise I'm more likely to have an excuse not to do them, which is okay - holidays and taking a break is important!

Also recommend that you don't go in with the goal of losing fat or making gains while you're travelling. Stick to your healthy habits and just enjoy yourself :)