For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

@trustlove147 Good question - I would say at this point the conditioning doesn't have much carryover to my strength, but when I first started out and didn't have any strength training experience at all, I saw a huge increase in strength from just doing crossfit alone. Noob gains, as they say.

Plenty of fat powerlifters out there who get winded going up a set of stairs but have a 1500lb+ total.
@trustlove147 There are way too many variables that go into programming that a blog or one size fits all approach will just never be ideal.. Having a one on one coach has been completely worth it for me. When I started I tried following a blog but it was too much volume and intensity for me and I wound up with a ton of pain.. Plus I didn't get much better because I wasn't allowing enough time for any positive adaptations, just driving myself deeper and deeper into a whole... Even if you follow a group program that has scaling options how would you know you are working on your individual weaknesses enough? and in the frequency, intensity, and volumes? Being able to communicate and strategize with a coach is necessary if your goals are more than just sweat with friends...
@trustlove147 I trained at an affiliate for six and a half years. Long story short, there was some drama, and a bunch of people left, including me. Trained at an olympic/powerlifting facility for a while. With the pandemic, installed a heavy duty pullup bar at home and started to train mostly at home.

I do my own programming with a heavy emphasis on bodyweight movements, because that’s what I like to do and can do at home. I vary between strength, skill and metcons with more of a strength focus in the winter and an endurance focus in the summer. When weather allows (about March to October) I add running and cycling to my workouts. Luckily my spouse coaches at two different affiliates, so I can go to one or the other when I want to work with a barbell.

Back when I trained at an affiliate, I trained five to six times a week. Now I train 2-3 times a week. Haven’t lost my gains and have more free time for other things.
@trustlove147 Street Parking! I love it, works for me and I dont have to subscribe to multiple programs because they have everything from Wods to maintenance videos, nutrition, and great social media platforms. $19 a month is hard to beat for everything they offer.
@trustlove147 My fiancé and I do strength training at our local community fitness center but we have one “CrossFit” day a week using the SugarWOD app, it takes WODs from the CrossFit website and gives you a place to compare your results to other people’s and also has a section to track PRs, we end up having to scale and change a few things here and there because lack of equipment but it’s the best app we’ve found for CrossFit style programming
@trustlove147 I don’t know where you are from, yet in most of the danish boxes it is possible on use “open gym” where you can come and go as you would like. I use this and look a lot on whatever the next contest has had as their wod’s and mostly look into several different WOD’s. Anyway the community is still just as great (I would like to think) as I usually continue to see the same people because I work out at the same time of day (before corona).
@omega52 What was toxic about it? I signed up and love the workouts but immediately got off their private Facebook page because it was super annoying super quick no one was talking about fitness it was all baby momma drama for lack of a better term. I’ve also been trying Linchpin and their Facebook page is super good and positive.
@trustlove147 I joined Street Parking last month, and I think it's great. Lots of workout options, as well accessory work and nutrition information. It has a great community. I was with a CrossFit gym for about 8 years, and despite Street Parking having a virtual community, it has more of a community feel than the previous CrossFit gym I attended.
@trustlove147 While I started crossfit in a traditional box a few years age, I know have a pretty sweet home gym setup built for doing crossfit. I just take my pre-workout and hit refresh on a WOD generator app until I find a WOD. I feel like doing lol maybe not the best way but I always enjoy the WODs. Plus I'm not choosing easy ones, I didn't invest a few thousand dollars in order to be a slacker.
@trustlove147 I really like mayhem because it incorporates multiple programs into one. You’ll have aerobic capacity by Chris hinshaw and burgener strength for oly lifts and general strength incorporated into daily workouts. This obviously includes your metcons provided by CrossFit mayhem, rich froning, etc.
@trustlove147 I am a r/streetparking member. Love that program so much. I work out in my garage. I feel like I get so, so much for my money. Miranda and Julian are awesome. It's so much more than daily wods. They have a large community, challenges, lots of accessory programming like gymnastics, bodybuilding, endurance, and more... also targeted skills programs for helping you get better at pull-ups, toes to bar, double unders, etc.
@trustlove147 Comptrain. It's gotten me much fitter than trying to roll my own. There are multiple such type programs (street parking, linchpin, etc). Look through them and see which fits your style best!
@trustlove147 You don’t need better programming, you need to train harder — generally, with more intensity. Tommy Hackenbruck said something like this almost a decade ago and it still rings true.

I trained at a CrossFit gym for nearly a decade, left in 2018 for financial reasons and trained with a buddy or alone for two years and suffered more injuries the last two years than the entire decade prior in the gym. I now attend classes 3-5 times a week at an affiliate.
@trustlove147 I currently go to a 24/7 gym that happens to have almost all equipment needed to do CrossFit, but also an area just to do functional fitness. I currently follow comptrain, Open version of the workouts. I like the programming, however it's not meant to make you extremely strong, but it's great at making anyone become very well rounded. I think you can try it out for free as they post the main parts of their daily workouts for free without signing up for anything.
@trustlove147 I follow the crossfit invictus competition programming, and up until COVID I was able to follow that using the gym at my university. Now, I’ve got a small home gym that I can pretty well adapt any of the programming to fit what I have. I’ve found a pair of standard dumbbells, a barbell, plates, a plyo box, and one cardio machine has been more than sufficient.