Gym Anxiety


New member
I have the motivation to go to the gym but I am scared. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been due to medication. I know the gym I want to be at but am terrified of being too fat or someone catching me in their recordings or pics. I don’t know what to do to push me to actually go. I was a member at the Y with no issues (but I was skinnier) and in the spring summer I’m very outdoor active. I’d have to go at peak time too since it’s close to my work and not my house. I’d plan to go 4 days during the week.

Any help/motivation/words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
@goddreamer0715 Half the people at the gym probably feel the same way you do and for an array of reasons. If it's not their weight, it's their form, what they're wearing, how much weight they are lifting etc. So you're not the only one.

I can also assure you that 99.9% of people going to the gym aren't interested in judging you, they are focused on themselves.

You also won't regret going, but you will regret putting it off. It's also the only way to get over the anxiety, and gets easier each time you go.
@goddreamer0715 I get it. Trust me. Most of the people at the gym have been where you/we have been or are. They’re like minded people trying to better themselves just like you. Are there jerks out there? Absolutely. But there might not even be one at your gym. And if there is don’t let that one person determine YOUR fitness goals. Do this for you and f*** the haters. You’ll meet new friends there that will have your back. You got this. LFG! 👊
@goddreamer0715 A whole lot of what the previous commenter said.

For a personal perspective; I look around at people. I like to know who is where, what they're using, get an idea of how many sets they've done if they're in a space I'd like to use, etc. It's absolutely not judgemental; I'm merely planning my next steps. I operate under the assumption that someone glancing at me is doing the same.

As for recordings or pics... I have this same fear because I am clumsy AF and will (and have) drop a plate on my foot at the worst time. If I notice someone has their phone out and pointed anywhere other than at the ground (like they're timing a rest or logging the weight they just did), I take a bit of a walk about in my rest time to be out of any potential frame. I don't expect people are going to be recording me doing my thing however, and the gym I go to doesn't generally have people doing more than the obvious mirror selfie for before/during/after comparisons.

Go a couple of times and just hit up whatever is free--treadmill, cable machines, stretching space. Once you have an idea of who is around at what times and actually see that most people are just focused on what they're doing and where they're going next, you'll get more comfortable.

It takes time--but, honestly? The chemicals that start pumping when I key in and get hit with that smell and hear the noises of people racking weights and taking seconds off their miles? Absolutely ends up being the motivator I need on low energy days.

edit: formatting
I’m not over weight over weight but enough where I’m uncomfortable in my own skin. 30lbs on a short person is like 70. I really really wanted to join and you all just motivated me and gave me the push I needed to feel better about going! Thank you all so much! Starting after work today!
@goddreamer0715 Don’t worry about it!

You will find half the people there are feeling the same and are not in shape also!

I get gym anxiety (tbf im on medication for anxiety) with certain exercises but tbh once you get in there you will be fine!

It’s just getting in there!
@goddreamer0715 When you're overweight the anxiety about that first visit can deter you. But, when you see results, that keeps you determined. I can relate, unfortunately. It is difficult, and I was embarrassed and scared to be judged by other gym goers. Then I realized no one cares. Not one person looked at me because they were more concerned about their own workout. Some even encouraged me. My suggestion, don't set big expectations like I'm going to do a mile on the treadmill then weights, then elliptical etc. Start where you are. Do what you can. If you can only do 4 minutes on the treadmill, do it. The next day do 5. The next day do 6. Before you know it, you'll build up to 30, 40, an hour on the treadmill. Watch others at the gym to learn how to use other equipment or ask an employee. Take your buds or plug into the TV monitors to keep you preoccupied. No one should be judging you, but people do. It hurts BUT you're there for a purpose. Set a date and just jump in. Good luck to you.
@goddreamer0715 Just go - you will put all these funky head thoughts to a rest when you pack your bag and get to the gym. From that moment you'll be working towards a better you and that will keep you going back. I joined our Y in November & it has been a great experience! You Gym Experience will be Great too -but you need to pack your bag and get there!
@goddreamer0715 There is a HUGE backlash happening to people who do this. IF you ever find out someone did this, send the clip to Joey Swole and he will humiliate them. And you can get them banned from the gym.

I am being a bit snarky but if you go into the gym, you will see that the people there are putting in the work and not really paying attention to anyone else. Get yourself a program, walk in there like a boss and put the work in.
@goddreamer0715 I get it, we have all seen or come across that immature jerk who is superficial pond scum. Heard them laugh at someone behind their back. Caught a bunch of boys ogling girls then call another a fatty. Or the snob bratty girls who judge other women for how they look or what they wear. People say these things to their friends like no one around them can hear it. Then we all get paranoid about being judged for something. The giant muscle guy still probably thinks he is too small. The perfect looking girl probably wonders if her outfit makes her thighs look fat. We all have insecurities. Don't let fear of others opinions stop you from becoming the version of you that you are looking for the only one to lose out will be you. At the end of the day, most people aren't even paying attention to anyone else and are just worried about their own workout. Proud of you for taking a step towards a personal goal. Screw anyone else that isn't supportive, when you walk in and out of that gym as time goes by it will be worth it and you will be glad you started.
@goddreamer0715 Lots of gyms will offer an induction when you sign up, so someone would take you around, show you what's what. Might help you get over the initial nerves of going by yourself.

Or, if funds permit, an initial session with a trainer.

Most people are generally too engrossed in what they're doing to notice much of what's going on around them.

Good luck.
@goddreamer0715 Its like drinking medicine that doesn't taste good, but its good for you. I had the same issue, I focused on my objectives and worked at getting better. Found out later that a lot of people respected my commitment and I made friends. Never ended up with the body of Adonis, but felt better. I hope you make the commitment to feel better.
@goddreamer0715 One day soon, someone else could want to join your gym but feel nervous that you are there, in better shape than them. What would you say to that person?

Try not to focus on where you are right now, but where you want to be. Let that motivate you.
@goddreamer0715 Just put on some headphones and listen to a podcast or music, zone out, whatever you like. Just ignore what’s around you and workout. I have social anxiety and I manage like this. Go for it.
@goddreamer0715 to be honest, if i see someone heavy in the gym i actually admire them because they have the motivation, discipline of actually going and that’s half way to get results you want.
@goddreamer0715 Don't think about anyone else when you're going there brother, I got a buddy who feels the same way and it's hard, specially when you're self conscious but keep in mind the gym is a place for bettering yourself. The people who are there normally should mind their own business as you mind yours, the type who take videos and insult are typically the kind who don't go there often.

Also take into account the type of gym you go to. I've been to plenty myself and I gotta say esporta, LA fitness, EoS are probably the worst for that since it's not really people going for the gym but to try and impress others. Just focus on yourself and let the results be your motivation!

It's much easier said than done but good luck and you got this! 30 pounds ain't the biggest amount to lose but damn will you feel great when you lose it!
@goddreamer0715 Lol trust me bro you aren’t the main character. People don’t care. People have their own insecurities and goals to worry about you. If anything, everyone at gym wants everyone to win. Stop moping around now and holding yourself back and grind.