HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

@rdmarita Been working on chest to bar pull ups with pronated grip (almost 3x8) and L-sit pull ups on rings (almost 3x12) This is mainly due to not working pronated grip and always working on the rings (Only had access to rings the past year)

Have been training from not being able to do one 1.5 year ago and had alot of set backs along the way and some ''improper'' training in the beginning.

Went from 170cm to 180cm in the past 2 years and from 50kg to 62.5kg.

Working hard at it and climbing

Edit: also found out this vacation that i'm able to do both pull overs and muscle ups (just for fun and not really part of my training)

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